

regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Malpighiales
familia = Malpighiaceae
genus = "Barnebya"
genus_authority = W. R. Anderson & B. Gates
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
*"Barnebya dispar" W. R. Anderson & B. Gates
*"Barnebya harleyi" W. R. Anderson & B. Gates

"Barnebya" is a genus in the Malpighiaceae, a family of about 75 genera of flowering plants in the order Malpighiales. "Barnebya" comprises 2 species of trees and woody vines native to eastern Brazil. The genus is named in honor of the American botanist Rupert Charles Barneby (1911-2006).

References and external links

* [ Barnebya]
* [ Malpighiaceae] Malpighiaceae - description, taxonomy, phylogeny, and nomenclature
*Anderson, W. R., and B. Gates. 1981. "Barnebya", a new genus of Malpighiaceae from Brazil. Brittonia 33: 275–284. 1981.

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