- Servoy
name = Servoy
caption = New Eclipse Version - One Code Base
developer = Servoy
latest_release_version = 4.0
latest_release_date = July 2008
latest preview version = 4.1 is immeninet
latest preview date = October 2008
operating_system =Cross-platform
genre =application development and deployment
license =
website = http://www.servoy.comServoy 4.0 is an Eclipse plug in to write business applications. With one code base, developers can design on any platform, and deploy to any platform. It is all standards based. Basically, it is a cross-platform application development and deployment environment. Servoy consists of a
GUI designer, isevent-driven and runsscripts throughJavaScript . Servoy allows applications to be deployed to both a nativeSmart client /Rich client and to a purehtml Web client from the samecodebase and user interface.Developers can build front-ends to
databases -- without having to write anySQL code, even when combining data from multiple sources. You can connect to any SQL database, and even to multiple SQL DB's at the same time.Servoy is a Rapid Application Development Tool
RAD with a zero deployment environment.Servoy 4.0 has a free community edition for non-commercial use. You just download the trial version and its a community edition.
Servoy applications can be deployed on all popular operating systems including
Mac OS X ,Microsoft Windows ,Linux , Solaris and otherUNIX systems. It has been reviewed by eWeek [cite web | url=http://www.channelinsider.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=5812&Itemid=28&limit=&limitstart |title=eWeek Servoy Review ] Previous versions were reviewed by MacUser Magazine, where it received a 4 mouse rating. [cite web | url=http://www.macuser.co.uk/macuser/labs/22:20/high-end-databases/products.html |title=MacUser Servoy Review ]Applications developed with Servoy can access data from all popular SQL back-ends such as Oracle,
Microsoft SQL Server ,IBM DB2 ,IBM Informix ,Sybase ,OpenBase ,MySQL ,PostgreSQL ,Firebird ; and combine data from different databases into a single user interface UI.The Servoy suite of products consists of Servoy Developer which you can use to build applications; Servoy Application Server which takes care of the "communication to the clients"; and Servoy Smart Client which runs on the device -- PC, mobile or other -- of the end-user. Servoy also offers a
Runtime version that allows the creation of standalone Servoy applications.Servoy Server includes Servoy
Headless client. This feature provides developers, in addition to having a rich Java client, with the option to deploy their solutions through a browser. With Servoy Headless Client, the client runs on the server and communicates through JSPJavaServer Pages with the desktop PC (or mobile device such as a PDA or cellular phone) via 100% HTML.Servoy has a partnering network of over 200 companies that offer Servoy development, Servoy components (Beans and plugins), consulting or hosting services called the Servoy Alliance Network (SAN).
History of Servoy
Servoy was developed by several Dutch programmers, led by Jan Blok, and marketed in Europe and North America originally through the strength of two of its founders, Jan Aleman and Bob Cusick. Both Aleman and Cusick were well known FileMaker Pro developers, bloggers, and speakers. Development began in 1998 and was used with just a few of their existing clients. In 2001 they created Servoy, B.V. (in the Netherlands) and took the product commercial. A couple of years after that they opened Servoy, Inc. (in the U.S.A.). As of October 2008 the product is on revision 4.1.The company has an annual developers conference called ServoyWorld - alternately held in Amsterdam and then the USA, each fall.
External links
* [http://www.servoy.com Servoy]
* [http://www.channelinsider.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=5812&Itemid=28&limit=&limitstart eWeek Review]
* [http://http://blip.tv/file/1191843/ Ziff Davis/Strominator Review]
* [http://www.thestandard.com/news/2008/08/01/whos-afraid-big-net InfoWorld Article]
* [http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/servoy-launches-new-eclipse-based-servoy/story.aspx?guid=%7BA0264F59-1DB2-4821-AEE0-017D81152F6C%7D&dist=hppr Marketwatch]
* [http://http://technology.inc.com/software/articles/200808/recycling.html INC. Magazine on Servoy]
* [http://www.servoyguy.com Servoy Guy - tips, tricks, and resources]
* [http://www.ianywhere.com/success_stories/servoy.html Sybase iAnywhere]
* [http://www.servoymagazine.com Servoy magazine]
* [http://www.servoysupportgroup.com/tips Servoy tips and tricks whitepaper]
* [http://ajax.sys-con.com/read/408443.htm Ajaxworld]
* [http://www.softpedia.com/get/Programming/Debuggers-Decompilers-Dissasemblers/Servoy.shtml softpedia]
* [http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/07/27/servoy.35.released/ macnn]
* [http://www.filemakermagazine.com/articles/servoy-a-filemaker-pro-killer-or-another-killer-app.html Filemaker Magazine]
* [http://www.mactech.com/mactechcentral/700293-Servoy.html MacTech]
* [http://www.servoy.jp/ Servoy Developers in Japan - English and Japanese Blog and Forums]
* [http://www.it2be.com Servoy components at IT2BE]
* [http://www.omnesoft.com/java-servoy.php Java for Servoy Developers - Whitepaper and Blog]References
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