Sri Hara Saabha Vimocchana Perumal Temple (Thirukkandiyur)

Sri Hara Saabha Vimocchana Perumal Temple (Thirukkandiyur)

This temple is situated in Kandiyur, Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu, 6 miles from Thanjavur, 2 miles from Thiruvaiyaru

It is one of the 108 Divya Desams.

= Mangalasasanam=

Thirumangai Alvar has sung in praise of the perumal in this temple with 1 Paasuram (hymn)cite news| title="Thirukkandiyur divyadesam"
work= []
accessdate= 2007-07-16
] in his thirukkuRunthANdagam (Paasuram #: 2050) given below (Tamil version in the image):

Meaning: When Siva cut the fifth head of Brahma in anger, BrahmA gives a curse that due to the Brahmahatti dOsham (curse) the kabAlam will stick on to his hands. Siva prays to Sriman Narayanan at ThirukkaNDiyur to get rid of this curse.

piNdiyAr maNdai Endhip * piRar manai thiridhandhu uNNum,

muNdiyAn * sAbam thIrththa * oruvan Ur ** ulagam Eththum

kaNdiyUr arangkam meyyam * kachchi pEr mallai enRu

maNdinAr * uyyal allAl * maRRaiyArkku uyyalAmE?


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  • Mangalasasanam by Divyadesam — The Alvars during the early medieval period of Tamil history (between the seventh and the tenth centuries CE) worshipped Vishnu and his Avatars through their hymns. This collection of their hymns is known as Divya Prabhandham. Mangalasasanam… …   Wikipedia

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