:"You could be looking for Upa (disambiguation)"UPA may refer to:

* Uganda People's Army, a rebel group active from 1987-1992
* Ukrainian Insurgent Army ("Ukrayins'ka Povstans'ka Armia"), a Ukrainian nationalist partisan organization during and after World War II
* Ukrainian People's Army
* Ulster Protestant Action
* Ultimate Players Association, a North American governing body of Ultimate
* Ultra Port Architecture, a computer bus developed by Sun Microsystems for its graphics workstations
* Utenti Pubblicità Associati, the Italian Advertisers' Association, based in Milan, Italy
* Uniform Partnership Act, a model statute proposed by the U.S. NCCUSL
* Unique Particle Attribution, a mechanism to prevent ambiguity in XML Schema
* United Productions of America, a USA-based animation studio
* United Progressive Alliance, a political coalition ruling India, since 2004
* United States Professional Poolplayers Association (who use "UPA" instead of "USPPA")
* Universal Parliamentary Assembly, an alternative name for the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly
* Universal Powerline Association, a body which promotes power line communication technology
* University Prep of Seattle, Washington, USA
* University Preparatory Academy, a charter school in San Jose, CA
* University Press of America, a publisher of academic books;
* Unprotected Anal, a form of sexual intercourse involving many inherent health risks
* Uralic Phonetic Alphabet
* Urban Protection Agency, a fictive organisation in the video game Project Eden
* Urokinase, a serine protease enzyme, also known as urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator or uPA
* Usability Professionals' Association a professional association for people interested in usability
* Uralic Phonetic Alphabet, a notational system used predominantly for the transcription of Finno-Ugric languages

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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