Rho Coronae Borealis b

Rho Coronae Borealis b

Planetbox begin
name = Rho Coronae Borealis b
Planetbox star
star = Rho Coronae Borealis
constell = Corona Borealis
ra = RA|16|01|02.6616
dec = DEC|+33|18|12.634
dist_ly = 56.8±0.7
dist_pc = 17.4±0.2
class = G0-2Va
Planetbox orbit
separation =
position_angle =
semimajor = 0.229±0.013
semimajor_no_units =
eccentricity = 0.057±0.028
period = 39.8449±0.0063
period_year =
inclination =
ang_dist = 13.773
long_peri = 303
arg_peri =
t_peri = 2,450,563.2±4.1
t_peri_no_jd =
t_transit =
t_transit_no_jd =
t_approach =
semi-amp = 64.9±2.4
Planetbox character
mass = >1.093±0.098
mass_earth =
radius =
radius_earth =
density =
gravity =
gravity_earth =
temperature = ~627
Planetbox discovery
discovery_date = 24 April 1997
discoverers = Noyes "et al."
discovery_method = Radial velocity
discovery_site = flag|United States
discovery_status = Confirmed

Rho Coronae Borealis b (ρ CrB b / ρ Coronae Borealis b) is an extrasolar planet approximately 57 light-years away in the constellation of Corona Borealis. The planet was discovered orbiting the Solar twin, yellow dwarf star Rho Coronae Borealis in April of 1997 (one of the first discovered). The planet's distance to the star is only about one fifth Earth's distance from the Sun. The orbit is circular and it takes 40 days to complete one revolution around the star. The planet has a mass about that of Jupiter. However, the inclination of the orbital plane is not known, so the value is only a minimum. If the planet orbits in the same plane as the circumstellar disk, the inclination would be about 46° and mass of the planet 1.5 times Jupiter.

In 2000 group of scientist claimed, based on preliminary "Hipparcos" astrometrical satellite data, that the inclination of the planet would be 0.5° and mass as much as 115 times Jupiter. Such a massive body would be nothing else but a dim red dwarf. However, this is statistically very unprobable, and the claim has not been backed up.

See also

* Kappa Coronae Borealis b


*cite journal | url=http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/310754 | author=Noyes "et al." | title=A Planet Orbiting the Star ρ Coronae Borealis | journal=The Astrophysical Journal Letters | year=1997 | volume=483 | issue=2 | pages=L111–L114 | doi=10.1086/310754
*cite journal | url=http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/full/10.1086/504701 | author=Butler "et al." | title=Catalog of Nearby Exoplanets | journal=The Astrophysical Journal |volume=646 | issue=1 | pages=505–522 | year=2006 | doi=10.1086/504701

External links


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