Paglicci Cave

Paglicci Cave

Paglicci cave is an arheologic site situated in Italy. The cave, discovered in 50s, is the most important cave of Gargano, Apulia.


In the cave, situated near Rignano Garganico, there are more than 45000 individual finds, including Paleolithic tools, human and animal bones. Now, they are in Rignano Garganico's Museum.

The cave contains also some Paleolithic mural paintings, depicting horses and handprints. Images of goats, cows, a serpent, a nest with eggs, and a hunting scene have also been found engraved on bone.

Two human skeletons have been found as well, belonging to a boy and a young woman, both wearing deer bone or teeth ornaments.

Paglicci cave contains the earliest Aurignacian and Gravettian remains of Italy, dated to c. 34,000 and 28,000 BP (uncalibrated) [ [ Julien Riel-Salvatore in his blog "A Very Remote Period Indeed"] ] .

Risk of collapse

In 2008 it archaeologists made a plea to the President of the Republic, Silvio Berlusconi to dedicate funds to save the cave, that is in risk of imminent collapse [ [ Life in Italy: "STONE AGE CAVE RISKS COLLAPSE"] ] .

Relevance in population genetics

In 2008, a scientific team lead by David Caramelly tested human remains from Paglicci cave (Paglicci 23) dated 28,000 BP and found that the individual had the human mitochondrial haplogroup H, specifically the rather common Cambridge Reference Sequence. The result was exhaustively tested for possible contamination and replicated in a separate test [ [ D. Caramelli et al., "A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequence Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences". PLOS ONE, 2008] ] .


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