

Name = Selene-2

Caption =
Organization = JAXA
Major_Contractors =
Mission_Type = Orbiter, Lander, Rover, Penetrator
Flyby_Of =
Satellite_Of = Moon
Orbital_Insertion_Date =
Launch = 2012
Launch_Vehicle = H-2A
Decay =
Mission_Duration =
Webpage =
Mass = 30-kilogram rover
Power =
Orbital_elements =
Semimajor_Axis =
Eccentricity =
Inclination = °
Orbital_Period =
Apoapsis =
Periapsis =
Orbits =

Selene-2 is a proposed Japanese moon lander as a successor to the 2007 SELENE (Kaguya) moon orbiter. JAXA hopes to put this mission into its budget for next fiscal year and to launch Selene-2 either in 2012 or 2013 with the H-2A. It is planned that Selene-2 will also carry a rover. The proposed landing side is the sunlit portion of the Polar region. However the exact configuration has not yet been announced.

The main objectives of the mission are:
*Test of landing technology
*Investigating the origin of the moon


One option JAXA is investigating now, is to integrate a small data relay satellite and penetrators into the mission. [] Originally the penetrators were supposed to be part of the LUNAR-A mission, but development took more time than planned. Despite all these troubles JAXA is making progress now with its penetrator technology. The final test is anticipated for July 2007.

Mission Timeline

Tests of the landing gear were already done during 1999. []


* Manabu Kato, [ The Current Status of the Japanese Penetrator Mission Lunar-A] , ISAS/JAXA, (date unknown). Information about the penetrator tests.
* Tatsuaki Hashimoto, [ Robotic Lunar Exploration Scenario -- JAXA Plan --] , May 2006. Selene-2 Overview.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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