Wheel and axle

Wheel and axle

The wheel and axle is a simple machine.

The traditional form as recognised in 19th century textbooks is as shown in the image. This also shows the most widely recognised application, ie lifting water from a well. The form consists of a wheel that turns an axle and in turn a rope converts the rotational motion to linear motion for the purpose of lifting.

By considering the machine as a torque multiplier, ie the output is a torque, items such as gears and screwdrivers can fall within this category.

Calculating mechanical advantage

Ideal mechanical advantage

The ideal mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is calculated with the following formula:

M.A.= Radius of wheel/Radius of axle

The effort distance is the radius, diameter, or circumference of which ever part of the simple machine, wheel or axle, is initially being rotated. The resistance distance is the same measurement of the opposite part of the wheel and axle. For example, if the axle is initially rotated and the wheel is rotated by the axle then the axle is the effort distance and the wheel would be the resistance distance.

Actual mechanical advantage

The actual mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is calculated with the following formula:

:AMA = frac {R} {E_{actual


*Doorknobs are similar to the water well, as the mechanism uses the axle as a pinion to withdraw the latch.
*With a simple chain fall, the user pulls on the wheel using the input chain, so the input motion is actually linear.
*Screwdrivers - an example of the rotational form. The diameter of the handle gives a mechanical advantage.

See also

* Wheelset

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  • wheel and axle — n. a larger wheel or pulley that is fixed to a shaft, a smaller wheel or pulley, or a drum, to increase mechanical advantage or speed: the wheels are often grooved and operated like pulleys …   English World dictionary

  • wheel and axle — a simple machine consisting, in its typical form, of a cylindrical drum to which a wheel concentric with the drum is firmly fastened: ropes are so applied that as one unwinds from the wheel, another rope is wound on to the drum. [1765 75] * * * ▪ …   Universalium

  • wheel and axle — noun a simple machine consisting of a wheel (or similar lever) that turns an axle around which a cord is wound; its mechanical advantage is the ratio of the diameters of the wheel and axle …   Wiktionary

  • wheel and axle — wheel′ and ax′le n. mac a simple machine consisting typically of a cylindrical drum to which a concentric wheel is firmly fastened: ropes are so applied that as one rope unwinds from the wheel, another is wound onto the drum • Etymology: 1765–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • wheel and axle — noun Date: 1759 a mechanical device consisting of a grooved wheel turned by a cord or chain with a rigidly attached axle (as for winding up a weight) together with the supporting standards …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wheel and axle — simple machine comprised of a wheel attached concentrically to a drum so that a rope will wind and unwind alternately from the wheel to the drum creating mechanical advantage …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wheel and axle — noun a device (one of the so called simple machines) consisting, in its typical form, of a cylindrical drum to which a wheel concentric with the drum is firmly fastened. Ropes are so applied that as one unwinds from the wheel the other is wound… …  

  • wheel and axle — noun hoist so arranged that a rope unwinding from a wheel is wound onto a cylindrical drum or shaft coaxial with the wheel • Hypernyms: ↑hoist …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wheel — (hw[=e]l), n. [OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hwe[ o]l, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hv[=e]l, Gr. ky klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hj[=o]l, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. [root]218. Cf. {Cycle}, {Cyclopedia}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A circular frame turning… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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