Kalmyk (cattle)

Kalmyk (cattle)

Kalmyk cattle (Russian: Kaлмыцкaя, Kalmytskaya) are a beef cattle breed originating in Mongolia and north west China and taken to south eastern Russia by migrating Kalmyk tribes in the early 17th century. They are now found in central Asia on dry steppe pastures [ [http://www.fao.org/docrep/009/ah759e/AH759E08.htm Food and Agriculture Organisation genetic resources study] ] .

Kalmyk cattle are red with white markings on the head, belly and legs. They are medium sized compact animals with a small head, long face and short horns. There is a well developed dewlap. Believed to originate from Indian cattle they have a high number of sweat glands, allowing them to endure high summer temperatures, and grow a long thick coat in winter.

Cows weigh around 420 to 500 Kg and bulls 750 to 850 Kg.



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