Liliane Ackermann

Liliane Ackermann

Liliane Aimée Ackermann (née Weil) (1938-2007) was a French Jewish Community pioneer, leader, writer, and lecturer.

Infobox Person

name = Liliane Ackermann

birth_date=Birth date | 1938 | 9 | 3

birth_place=Strasbourg, France

death_date=Death date and age | 2007 | 02 | 5 | 1938 | 9 | 3

death_place=Strasbourg, France

nationality=Flag | France

occupation=Community leader, writer, and lecturer

spouse=Henri Ackermann

parents= Lucien Weil and Béatrice Haas

children=Théo, Jacqui, Anne, Raoul, Eric, Charles, Marc


Liliane Ackermann was born on September 3, 1938, in Strasbourg, France, the daughter of Lucien Weil and Béatrice Haas.During WWII, her family took refuge in Voiron, Isère. They would remain there until 1956, when they moved back to Strasbourg.After her Baccalauréat in 1956, she studied at the Faculty of Sciences at the Université Louis Pasteur of Strasbourg, where she obtained her first Ph.D. (in microbiology), in 1974. She later received a second Ph.D., at the Université de Strasbourg (Humanities), in 1999.She married Henri Ackermann, a dentist and a community activist, in 1959. They had seven children (Théo, Jacqui, Anne, Raoul, Eric, Charles, and Marc). Henri and Liliane Ackermann formed a team, for nearly half a century.From 1956 to 2007, she taught in Strasbourg at the elementary and secondary levels but also to adults in Jewish education. She taught also to Russian immigrants in Germany. In parallel, from 1976 to 1996, she gave lectures at the Université Louis Pasteur in biochemistry and microbiology.Liliane and Henri Ackermann took charge in 1972 of the Youth Movement "Yeshurun" [in French written "Yechouroun"] , a national religious group active all year round, and with winter and summer camps. A great number of Jewish leaders were formed there. Among them, René Gutman, Chief Rabbi of the Bas-Rhin, Gilles Bernheim, Chief Rabbi of the Synagogue de la Rue de la Victoire in Paris, and many others.Liliane Ackermann got involved in reaching out to handicapped, women in distress, the elderly. In Strasbourg, her home was the locale to find counseling, advice, encouragement, but also serious learning at all levels.She was a scientist by formation but also an accomplished artist: the violin and piano were her favorite instruments and drawing was her passion.A rarity for a woman, anywhere, but particularly in France, she learned on her own the Babylonian Talmud, and went on to study, thereafter, the Jerusalem Talmud.


* "Judaism and Science"
*"Judaism and Women"
*"Judaism and Conversion".

A meeting with the President of France

On an official occasion, at the Palais de l'Elysée, in Paris, meeting the President of France, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, she introduced herself, listing her credentials, and concluded: "and I also educate my 7 children!".

Her death

At the age of 68, she died in Strasbourg, on February 3, 2007.


*Liliane Ackermann. "Thora, Science: l'Unité ". Editions Otsar: Sarcelles, 1991. ISBN 2-908111-02-4

*Liliane Ackermann. "Le monde juif au féminin". "L'histoire de la Bible à nos jours". Editions Safed: Chateauneuf (Loire), 2003.

*Liliane Ackermann. "Essai sur la conversion". Editions l'Arche du Livre: Marseille, 2006. [with a preface by Chief Rabbi Gilles Bernheim] . ISBN 2-911613-11-2

*Elie Feuerwerker. Dr. Liliane Ackermann, OB"M. A Great Personality of French Jewry. The Jewish Press, New York, April 12, 2007.

*Liliane et Henri Ackermann. "L'étude de la Torah et les femmes. Le responsum du rabbin Shlomo Hacohen Gross." In: "Quand les femmes lisent La Bible", sous la direction de Janine Elkouby et Sonia Sarah Lipsyc. Pardès 43. Collection "Études Et Culture Juives", Éditions In Press: Paris, 2007, p. 153-166. ISBN 978-2-84835-134-6

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