Microrasbora erythromicron

Microrasbora erythromicron

name = "Microrasbora" erythromicron"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
superclassis = Osteichthyes
classis = Actinopterygii
subclassis = Neopterygii
infraclassis = Teleostei
superordo = Ostariophysi
ordo = Cypriniformes
familia = Cyprinidae
subfamilia = Danioninae
genus = see text
species = see text
binomial = "Microrasbora" erythromicron"
binomial_authority = Annandale, 1918
synonyms = "Danio erythromicron" (Annandale, 1918)

"Microrasbora" erythromicron" is a species of cyprinid, in recent times usually classified as a member of the genus "Microrasbora". This species is endemic to Inle Lake in Myanmar. It has many similarities with members of "Danio" as well as with "Microrasbora" species, as well as several rather unique traits (like an unusual color pattern), and its generic placement remains unclear.

Taxonomy and systematics

In 1999, it was suggested to transfer the species to the genus "Danio" based on morphological data, but it was cautioned that more research would be necessary [Kottelat & Witte (1999)] . A phylogenetic analysis of "Danio" found it indeed close to that genus, but its precise placement was still indeterminable [Fang (2003)] . Subsequent analysis of DNA sequence data confirmed that the present species was closer to "Danio" than to "Microrasbora sensu stricto" and it was recommended to place it into "Danio" [Mayden "et al." (2007)] .

However, only a few weeks before the latter analysis went into print, a new danionin from the Salween drainage (to which Inle Lake belongs), living not far from the home of "M." erythromicron", was scientifically described - the Celestial Pearl Danio ("Celestichthys margaritatus"). This fish only came to widespread notice in 2006 [It was long known to the local population, where it had a reputation as a food for poor people: Clarke (2007a)] , and was initially known in the aquarium fish trade as "Microrasbora" sp. 'Galaxy'", as it is very similar to "M." erythromicron" in morphology but has a quite different and spectacular coloration. Its distinctness caused the erection of a new genus "Celestichthys", presently monotypic, and as it seems also intermediate between "Danio" and "Microrasbora sensu stricto". Due to its recent discovery and description, the Celestial Pearl Danio was not included in the last phylogenetic study [Though published in 2007, the actual research took place earlier, when "C. margaritatus" had not yet or just recently come to the notice of scientists.] , and hence, it is possible that "M." erythromicron" will eventually be placed in "Celestichthys". On the other hand, the new species is strikingly different in coloration and completely allopatric, and a satisfying evolutionary scenario would be rather hard to build. Therefore it seems more likely that the present species will eventually wind up in another monotypic genus, perhaps the sister taxon of "Celestichthys", perhaps a more distant lineage that evolved independently from the same stock that gave rise to "Celestichthys", "Danio" and "Microrasbora" proper. [Roberts (2007)]

ee also

* Danionin



* (2007a): [http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/pfk/pages/item.php?news=1197 Galaxy rasbora under threat] . "Pract. Fishkeeping" Version of 2007-FEB-05. Retrieved 2007-FEB-20.
* (2003): Phylogenetic Analysis of the Asian Cyprinid Genus "Danio" (Teleostei, Cyprinidae). "Copeia" "'2003"(4): 714–728. DOI:10.1643/IA03-131.1 [http://www.bioone.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1643%2FIA03-131.1&ct=1 HTML abstract]
* (1999): Two new species of "Microrasbora" from Thailand and Myanmar, with two new generic names for small Southeast Asian cyprinid fishes (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). "Journal of South Asian Natural History" 4(1): 49-56.
* (2007): Phylogenetic relationships of "Danio" within the order Cypriniformes: a framework for comparative and evolutionary studies of a model species. "Journal of Experimental Zoology B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution" 308B(5): 1-13. doi|10.1002/jez.b.21175 (HTML abstract)
* (2007): The "Celestial pearl danio", a new genus and species of colourful minute cyprinid fish from Myanmar (Pisces: Cypriniformes). "Raffles Bulletin of Zoology" 55(1): 131-140. [http://rmbr.nus.edu.sg/rbz/biblio/55/55rbz131-140.pdf PDF fulltext]

External links

* [http://www.danios.info/fish/erythromicron.aspx Microrasbora erythromicron]

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