- Society of the Holy Cross
The Society of the Holy Cross (SSC) is an international Anglo-Catholic society of priests with members in the
thumb|right|Father ToothAnglican Communion , theContinuing Anglican Movement , and theRoman Catholic Church 'sAnglican Use . The society's name is abbreviated as SSC from the initials of the society's Latin name, "Societas Sanctae Crucis".The society is not to be confused with the Roman Catholic which is an association of
Opus Dei , theCongregation of Holy Cross , (CSC), a Catholic religious congregation, nor with theSociety of the Holy Cross (Korea) (SHC), an order ofnun s within theAnglican Church of Korea .Founding and early history
The society was founded on
February 28 ,1855 in the Chapel of the House of Charity,Soho ,London by sixAnglican priests:Charles Fuge Lowder , Charles Maurice Davies, David Nicols, Alfred Poole, Joseph Newton Smith and Henry Augustus Rawes. The Society they formed was initially intended as a spiritual association for their own personal edification, but it soon came to be the driving force behind theAnglo-Catholic movement, particularly after the first phase of theOxford Movement had played its course andJohn Henry Newman had converted toRoman Catholicism .Father Lowder was the Founder of the Society and served as its first Master. While visiting France in 1854, he conceived of the idea of an order of Anglican priests based on the
Lazarists , a Roman Catholic order founded by St Vincent de Paul. The SSC provided its members with a Rule of Life and a vision of a disciplined priestly life. Mutual support has always been a key element and the life of the Society is experienced primarily through the local Chapter. Attendance at Chapter is of obligation unless prevented by genuine pastoral duties.The SSC expanded almost immediately. These early priests of the Society ministered in some of the poorest slum areas of London and other cities. These included the parishes of: St Barnabas' Pimlico and [http://www.stpeterslondondocks.org.uk/ St Peter's London Docks] . Many of these areas were so dangerous that bishops refused to visit them, although their refusal was also motivated by a distaste for the ritualism of the Anglo-Catholic clergy.
ritualism was very close to practices in theRoman Catholic Church and included devotion to theBlessed Sacrament , frequent celebration of the Mass with intentions, the practice of auricular confession, the wearing of eucharisticvestments , and the use ofincense , liturgical hand bells, and wafer breads. Whilst these practices had not been completely unknown in theChurch of England since its break with the Papacy, most of them had not been in general use for hundreds of years as the Church of England had become increasinglyProtestant in its liturgical practice after the reign of Elizabeth I.It is important to note, however, that the priests of the SSC considered these practices an outward, necessary, and physical expression of belief and doctrine and not merely as aesthetic adornments to worship. The SSC was primarily concerned with improving the spiritual life of priests and people. For example, the now common practice of
Retreats was introduced to the Church of England in those given by the SSC, beginning in 1856.Many
Low Church andLatitudinarian churchmen viewed ritualism, and the accompanying teaching, with horror. It was not unusual for Mass and theDivine Office in SSC parishes to be disrupted by Protestant protesters, some hired for the occasion, shouting during the reading of lessons and the sermon, or hurling furniture and books. Lawsuits were filed against priests for Catholic practices. Some of these prosecutions were successful and priests were suspended from their ministries. In other actions, some Catholic practices were permitted by the courts while others were ruled illegal. Still other practices were sometimes ruled by the civil courts not to be illegal "per se" but that their continued use would require direct authorisation by the diocesanBishop .The Public Worship Regulation Act
Public Worship Regulation Act "The legal inconsistencies led to the passing of the
Public Worship Regulation Act by the Disraeli government in 1874 with the stated aim of "putting down the Ritualists". The Act was introduced in theHouse of Lords as aPrivate Member's Bill byArchibald Tait , theArchbishop of Canterbury , who had previously served as theBishop of London . After the Act came into force on July 1, 1875 theChurch Association , which had been responsible for some the pre-Act lawsuits, began vigorously prosecuting those who persisted in Anglo-Catholic practice and teaching. Seventeen priests were prosecuted under the Act. In some cases these priests served time in prison for either not acknowledging the right of the courts to judge them on matters of worship or after being convicted. Occasionally some bishops (including Archbishop Tait) would intervene to stop prosecutions, particularly as public outrage grew at the blatant interference in religious matters by secular courts.The prosecution of SSC priests Father
Arthur Tooth , FatherAlexander Heriot Mackonochie and FatherRichard William Enraght are undoubtedly the most famous episodes in the early history of the SSC.ubsequent history
The prosecutions, however, were battles won in a losing war. In 1906, a Royal Commission effectively nullified the Act by admitting that more pluralism in public worship was needed. The selfless example of SSC priests in ministering to the lowest orders of society and their strong stands on social justice had also endeared them to the general public.
Alexander Penrose Forbes , Bishop of Brechin in theScottish Episcopal Church from 1847 till his death in 1874, was probably the first of many SSC bishops around the world, including the saintlyFrank Weston of Zanzibar.As a Catholic society, the SSC has taken a conservative line in the church controversies of the late 20th Century, particularly over the interpretation of Scripture and the ordination of women.
Today, there are over 2,000 members of the Society organized into Provinces for England & Scotland, the Americas, Wales, and Australasia, each under a Provincial Master reporting to an international Master-General. The current
Master General of the society is Father David Houlding who resides in England.In April, 2005, the Society celebrated its 150th anniversary with a week-long festival, "Stand Up For Jesus". Archbishop of Canterbury
Rowan Williams addressed the gathering and theRoyal Albert Hall was filled to capacity for the closing mass.The fortunes of the SSC have waxed and waned since the early days of the Catholic Revival, but for its members it has always been an important source of priestly formation, discipline and fraternity. Priests of the Society can be recognized by the small gold lapel cross that they generally wear. On it is inscribed the motto of the Society - In Hoc Signo Vinces - In This Sign, Conquer!
There is also a section of the society, the Pusey Guild for seminarians and approved candidates for training for the priesthood. [http://www.stpeterslondondocks.org.uk/section/33]
ee also
Anglican religious order
*Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
*Guild of All Souls
*Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary
*Society of Catholic Priests
*Society of King Charles the Martyr
*Society of Mary (Anglican)
*T. Pelham Dale
*Richard William Enraght
*Arthur Tooth External links
* [http://anglicanhistory.org/ssc Historical documents on the SSC]
* [http://www.societassanctaecrucis.org/ The Province of England & Scotland]
* [http://www.sscamericas.org/ The Province of The Americas]
* [http://www.sscwales.org.uk/ The Province of Wales]
* [http://www.standupforjesus.co.uk/ Stand Up for Jesus. The Celebration of 150 years of the SSC 1855 — 2005]
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