INFERMENTAL is the first international magazine on videocassettes, initiated by the Hungarian filmmaker Gábor Bódy in 1980.

International + Ferment + Experimental = Infermental

The 11 editions of INFERMENTAL were published between 1980 and 1991 with an alternating series of editors from different countries. Each issue annually assembled approximately 5 to 7 hours of the audio-visual work that represented the latest tendencies in this area.

Infermentals' 10 issues + 1 special issue amounted to about 70 hours of material from more than 1000 artists from 36 countries. Among the numerous participating artists were Gary Hill, Rafael Montañez Ortiz, Jon Jost, Marina Grzinic and Aina Smid, Joan Jonas, Yello, Ulrike Rosenbach, Hiroshi Ito, Mona Hatoum, Paul Garrin, Steina and Woody Vasulka.

Veruschka Bódy who co-ordinated the project after Gábor Bódy's death in 1985. She recently stated upon looking back on ten years activity that “the annual anthologies, published by local editors (artist groups from 12 cities), are in fact a rich find for semoticians, topologists and visual philosophers. With this now 65 hours long video archive, a vocabulary of the 1980’s has been made available to the public”.

The INFERMENTAL collection is accessible to the public as a permanent loan at ZKM | Center for Art and Media .


*Infermental 1Berlin/West, Germany, 198237 contributions, 8 countries, 4 hours

Editors: Gábor Bódy, Astrid HeibachSupervisor: Gusztáv Hámos

*Infermental 2Hamburg, Germany, 1982/8377 contributions, 15 countries, 6 hours

Editors: Oliver Hirschbiegel, Rotraut PapeSupervisor: Vera Bódy

*Infermental 3Budapest, Hungary, 1983/8499 contributions, 18 countries, 6 hours

Editors: Peter Forgacs, László BekeCo-editors: Malgorzata Potocka, Peter Hutton, Egon BunneSupervisor: Rotraut PapeProduction secretary: Zoltán Bonta

*Infermental 4Lyon, France, 1985102 contributions, 14 countries, 7 hours

Editors: FRIGO (Gérard Couty, Mike Hentz, Christian Vanderborght)Supervisor: Astrid Heibach

*Infermental 5Rotterdam, Netherlands, 198639 contributions, 13 countries, 5 hours

Editors: Leonie Bodeving, Rob Perrée, Lydia Schouten,Supervisor: Egon Bunne

*Infermental 6Vancouver, Canada, 198759 contributions, 25 countries, 6 hours

Editors: Vera Bódy, Hank BullSupervisor: Gérard Couty

*Infermental 7Buffalo, USA, 198858 contributions, 17 countries, 5 hours

Editors: Tony Conrad, Chris Hill, Peter WeibelSupervisor: Rotraut Pape

*Infermental 8Tokyo, Japan, 198873 contributions, 15 countries, 5 hours

Editors: Keiko Sei, Alfred BirnbaumSupervisor: Mike Hentz, Hank Bull

*Infermental 9Wien, Austria, 198945 contributions, 15 countries, 5 hours

Editors: Ilse Gassinger, Graf + ZYXSupervisor: Chris Hill

*Infermental 10Osnabrück / Skopje, Germany / Yugoslavia, 199151 contributions, 16 countries, 6 hours

Editors: Heiko Daxl, Evgenija DimitrievaSupervisor: Keiko Sei

*Special Issue NRWWuppertal, Germany, 1984/85

This edition presents a selection of works mainly from Germany's state North Rhine-Westphalia from 1984. The editors couldn’t find philosophical-visual trend directions from the submitted works. Nevertheless this issue excels in the high quality of individual works (Joan Jonas, Marcel Odenbach, Birgit Antoni).(Vera Bódy)


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* [ article 'Infermental 5: The Image of Fiction']

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