Hanna Banaszak

Hanna Banaszak

Hanna Banaszak (born 1957) was raised in Poznań just off "Szamarzewskiego Street", an area which, at that time, was a popular hangout for young residents, artists and dres. She later became one of the most well-known Polish jazz singers Fact|date=December 2007, as well as poet.


* "Hanna Banaszak" (1986)
* "Wigilia z Hanną Banaszak" (1997)
* "Złota kolekcja - W moim magicznym domu" (1998)
* "Zanim będziesz u brzegu" (2001) - together with Mirosław Czyżykiewicz
* "Echa melodii zapomnianej" (2003)
* "Truskawki w Milanówku" - The greatest hits, vol.1
* "Wołanie Eurydyki" - The greatest hits, vol.2
* "Hanna Banaszak - Koncert" - Live


* "Zamienię Samolubie na Szczodruchy" - Oficyna Konfraterni Poetów, Cracow 2006


* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BUFDa8GMMw Opole 1997]

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