Schweizerischer Vaterländischer Verband

Schweizerischer Vaterländischer Verband

Schweizerischer Vaterländischer Verband (Swiss Patriotic Federation or SVV) was a right wing organisation influential in Swiss politics before World War II.

The SVV was set up in 1918 by Dr. Eugen Bircher to oppose 'international emigration', which in effect became anti-Semitism, with the group holding "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as fact, alongside a similar work "Aufklärung zur Flüchtlingsfrage" (Shedding Light on the Refugee Question). Bircher's position as a colonel in the Swiss Army was such that he was able to bring many high ranking officers in to the SVV, with Henri Guisan amongst those to join up. Although not specifically Nazi in its outlook it did nonetheless seek to maintain cordial relations with Nazi Germany.

Effectively open in its existence its membership was largely a closely guarded secret and as such the group became influential in driving government policy. Its influence was such that it was the only organisation with Nazi sympathies that was not closed down by the Swiss Federal Council in 1945. It was not dissolved until after it got caught up in a bribery scandal in 1948.


* [ 'A Survey of Nazi and Pro-Nazi Groups in Switzerland: 1930-1945'] by Alan Morris Schom

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