

Infobox German Location
Art = Stadt
Name = Holzminden
Wappen = Stadtwappen der Stadt Holzminden.jpg
lat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 49 |lat_sec = 47
lon_deg = 09 |lon_min = 26 |lon_sec = 54
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Lower Saxony
Landkreis = Holzminden
Höhe = 89
Fläche = 88.25
Einwohner = 23502
Stand = 2007-05-01
PLZ = 37603
PLZ-alt = 3450
Vorwahl = 05531
Kfz = HOL
Gemeindeschlüssel = 03 2 55 023
Straße = Neue Straße 12
Website = [http://www.holzminden.de/ www.holzminden.de]
Bürgermeister = Jürgen Daul
Partei = Independent

Holzminden (IPA2|hɔltsˈmɪndən) is a town in southern Lower Saxony, Germany. It is the capital of the district of Holzminden. It is located directly on the river Weser, which here is the border to North Rhine-Westphalia.


Holzminden was first mentioned in the 9th century as "Holtesmeni"; however, the name did originally not refer to the later city, but to the village of Altendorf, which was incorporated into the city in 1922.

Many towns are built because they are the location of the source of river and Holzminden is no exception. During the time of Ludwig the Pious, monks from Corbie in France came here and founded the monastery in Hethis in the Solling. When this monastery was no longer viable it was closed and a new one was opened close to the river. Old documents and papers show that many donations were given to the „Holtesmeni“ (monastery) – the people in those times were very concerned about their souls and godly living.

Presumably, it came into being, along with other settlements in the vicinity, in the period of 500 to 800 A.D. Some other of the villages were abandoned when Holzminden was granted municipal laws, thus promising more privileges to its citizens and exerting a stronger attraction on its surroundings.

In 1200 the town was moved under the protection of the prince’s castle of Everstein and as early as 1245 a town charter was already issued. It had been the Count of Everstein who granted the town its new rights. The town's coat of arms shows the Everstein lion striding through the open town gate.

From 1408 the town belonged to the Welfen princes and from the 16th century to the princes of Brunswick, those of the Wolfenbütteler family line. So from the 16th century until 1942, Holzminden belonged to Brunswick-Lüneburg. In 1640 during the Thirty Years' War, Holzminden was destroyed by the emperor’s troops and it only recovered slowly from this. Up until the 20th century Holzminden remained a provincial town of small farmers and holdings.


Crafts and farming have long ceased to be the main town's sources of income. Today, Holzminden ist quite an industrial town.

It's almost a hundred years since Dr. Wilhelm Haarmann began developing the scent and flavors industry. Dr. Wilhelm Haarmann managed the first synthesis of vanillin together with Prof. Ferdinand Tiemann in 1874. More and more new products were developed that are today produced in the factory Symrise. Today Holzminden is the famous centre of the flavor and fragrance ingredient industry, ingredients which are used in the cosmetic and food industries worldwide.

The company Stiebel-Eltron, known worldwide, has its headquarters in Holzminden. This large company which produces heating equipment and ovens is an important part of, and contribution to the towns economy.


As a part of the former Brunswick territory, Holzminden maintains a Protestant tradition. The church of St. Pauls in Altendorf, dating back to a time before 1200, is the oldest of all churches in town. Although it does not own prominent pieces of historical art, this house of worship and in its simplicity offers a serene place for rest and contemplation. In addition, churches named after Luther, St. Michael, St. Thomas and St. Joseph are existing.


* The Tilly house from 1609 It is located on the Johannis square and has a beautiful renaissance door, which survived the fires of the 30 year war. The story goes that the commander Tilly spent a night here during the war time.

* The "Reichspräsidentenhaus"The house links the old part of the town with the Hafendamm and was inaugurated in 1929. The beautiful „Glockenspiel“ or carrillon is very popular and it plays well known melodies at certain hours to the joy of visitors and locals alike.

* The steepleThe symbol of Holzminden is the Luther church. It was rebuilt inside in 1577 and made into a two room church. The green-lightening roof is also shining through the night.

* The „Severinsche Haus“A richly decorated house dating from 1683 that is well known for its strangly slanting floors. It is also the largest of the small businessmen’s houses and is therefore particularly well known. It is decorated with a distinctive weather-flag.


* The town museum
* The doll and toy museum (private)

pecials of Education

* The "HAWK" - "Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst":The present school was founded in 1831/32 by Friedrich Ludwig Haarmann as the first college of architecture in Germany. Meanwhile, the "Bauschule" has become an essential feature of the town, and many student' activities, such as the traditional master's procession, are characteristic for Holzminden. [http://www.hawk-hhg.de]

* The "LSH" - "Landschulheim am Solling":The private boarding school Landschulheim at the Solling was founded in 1909 in the course of an aducational reform movement that sought to bring schooling to bear upon the entire personality until leaving examination. 'Mind, Heart and Hand' of students were and are to be advanced equally. School buildings and campus within large park - like grounds on a western slope of the Solling are well-remembered by many graduates throughout the world. Thus, the LSH contributes, since almost 100 years now, to the fame of its home town. [http://www.lsh-holzminden.de]


Holzminden is twinned with Leven in Scotland.

Freeman of the town

* August Hampe, * 20. April 1866 † 6. Februar 1945 in Holzminden; "German politician, Minister of Justice of the Braunschweig District"
* Erwin Böhme, * 29. Juli 1879 † 29. November 1917 bei Zonnebeke; "veteran of WW I"
* Leopold Scherman, † 11. September 1970; "architect"
* Carl Wilhelm Gerberding, * 14. März 1894 † 2. Mai 1984; "industrialist and founder of the Dragoco"
* Adolf Heusinger, * 4. August 1897 † 30. November 1982 in Köln; "German general"
* Eberhard Itzenplitz, * 8. November 1926; "film director"

Other notable people who have lived in Holzminden

* Robert Bunsen, *30. März 1811 † 16. August 1899; "chemist"
* Wilhelm Raabe, *8. September 1831 † 15. November 1910; "novelist"
* Niels Jannasch, *5. July 1924. † 9. November 2001; "mariner, curator, maritime historian"
* Jonatan Briel, *9. Juni 1942 † 26. Dezember 1988 in Berlin; "film director, actor"
* Uwe Schünemann, *8. August 1964; "CDU-politician and Minister of the Lower Saxony"

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