Danza de tijeras

Danza de tijeras

The Danza de las tijeras (scissors dance) is an original dance from the south of the Andes, in Peru, in which two or more dancers (danzak)dance, followed by their respective orchestras of a violin and a harp. The dancers dance in turns, doing explicit moves and challenging steps, such as dancing with just one foot.

The scissors dance, also called Galas (laijas) has demonstrated their skillful dance from one of the deepest Peruvian highland region- Huancavelica, being one of the few dances from Peru to reach most parts of the world.

The scissor dancers are identified with ritual skill and challenge from the outsider’s point of view. Basically, the scissors dance is an impressive manifestation of physic art and skills, but to the Andean man it represents a complex ritual. A series of mysteries stalk around the dancers (the ones who do the ritual) who, in a surge of force and elasticity, test their skills with the gymnastics-like jump at the sound of a harp and a violin, while they cut the air with their scissors (one in each hand)

According to the priests of the colony, its magical side obeys to an assumption pact with the devil, due to surprising moves or tests that they execute in the dance. This tests denominate Atipanacuy. The central instrument of the dance is the elaborated scissors of two independent metal plates of approximately 25 cm, and when the two plates are fused, they make a shape of a blunt-end scissor. The places with most influence of this dance are: Huancavelica, Ayacucho, Huancayo, Apurimac and Lima.

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