Kirchdorf in Tirol

Kirchdorf in Tirol

Infobox Ort in Österreich
Art = Gemeinde
Name = Kirchdorf in Tirol
Wappen = Wappen at kirchdorf in tirol.pnglat_deg = 47 | lat_min = 33 | lat_sec = 30
lon_deg = 12 | lon_min = 26 | lon_sec = 51
Bundesland = Tirol
Bezirk = Kitzbühel
Höhe = 641
Fläche = 113.8
Einwohner = 3613
Stand = 2005-12-31
PLZ = 6382
Vorwahl = 05352
Kfz = KB
Gemeindekennziffer = 7 04 10
NUTS = AT335
Straße = Dorfplatz 4
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Ernst Schwaiger
Partei = UKGL
Gemeinderatanzahl = 15
Gemeinderat = 6 UKGL, 3 Gemeinsam für Kirchdorf, 2 SPÖ, 2 Erpfendorfer Liste, 1 Aktive Liste, 1 Vereinte Liste
Wahljahr = 2004
image_photo = Kirchdorf_i_Tirol.jpg
Bildbeschreibung1 = Kirchdorf

Kirchdorf in Tirol is a municipality in the Kitzbühel district and is located 12.20 km north of Kitzbühel as well as 3 km north of Sankt Johann in Tirol at the Kitzbühler Ache. The area is the 2nd largest one in size in the district. The village has got its name from an old church which was built in the 8th century. Main source of income is agriculture and tourism. It has 3613 inhabitants.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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