Order of Duke Trpimir

Order of Duke Trpimir
Order of Duke Trpimir
with Neck Badge and Morning Star
Order of Duke Trpimir.jpg
Order of Duke Trpimir
(top: Order Neck Badge; bottom: Morning Star (Danica) medal; left: Grand Order ribbon; right: smaller decorative version)
Awarded by the Republic of Croatia
Eligibility Croatian and foreign ministerial level officials and others highly ranked officials
Awarded for "Exceptional contributions to the independence independence, integrity and international reputation of the Republic of Croatia, the construction of Croatia, and development of relationships between Croatia and other countries."
Status Currently awarded
Established 1 April 1995 [1]
Next (higher) Grand Order of King Dmitar Zvonimir
Next (lower) Order of Duke Branimir

The Order of Duke Trpimir (Croatian: Red kneza Trpimira), or more fully the Order of Duke Trpimir with Neck Badge and Morning Star (Red kneza Trpimira s ogrlicom i Danicom), is an order of the Republic of Croatia. It ranks fifth in the Croatian order of precedence after the Grand Order of King Dmitar Zvonimir. It is awarded to Croatian and foreign ministerial level officials and others for merit in contributing to the independence, integrity and international reputation of the Republic of Croatia, the construction of Croatia, and development of relationships between Croatia and other countries.[2]



The badge of the order is a diamond-shaped red-enameled badge featuring an interwoven wattle pattern in silver, with a round white-enameled disk in the center, bordered in silver. On the disk is an equestrian representation of Duke Trpimir, a medieval Prince of Dalmatia and Duke of Croats. On the lower part of the silver border is the name "TRPIMIR".

The star of the order features the center medallion as above, but with a gilt rather than silver border, on a star with eight longer and eight shorter silver rays, with gold rays between.

Notable recipients

The order is also typically awarded to foreign ambassadors.[13]



  1. ^ "Zakon o odlikovanjima i priznanjima Republike Hrvatske" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 24 March 1995. http://www.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeno/1995/0377.htm. Retrieved 2008-07-10. 
  2. ^ Zakon o odlikovanjima, section 10.
  3. ^ Ured predsjednika RH
  4. ^ a b c 3 9.1.1998 Odluka o odlikovanju Nj. E. Petera W. Galbraitha, veleposlanika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država Redom kneza Trpimira s ogrlicom i Danicom
  5. ^ 69 16.08.1996 Odluka o odlikovanju Redom kneza Trpimira s ogrlicom i Danicom i Spomenicom domovinske zahvalnosti broj 01-051-96-5-5-18/1
  6. ^ 7 26.01.1996 Odluka o odlikovanju Hansa Dietricha Genschera Redom kneza Trpimira s ogrlicom i Danicom
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n 46 07.07.1995 Odluka kojom se odlikuju Redom kneza Trpimira s ogrlicom i Danicom
  8. ^ "Odluka o dodjeli Ordena kneza Trpimira nadbiskupu Philipu M. Hannanu" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 15 March 1994. http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/1994_03_22_356.html. Retrieved 2009-12-13. 
  9. ^ "Odluka o dodjeli Ordena kneza Trpimira gospodinu Branku Lustigu" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 28 March 1994. http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/1994_04_27_486.html. Retrieved 2009-12-13. 
  10. ^ "Odluka o dodjeli Ordena kneza Trpimira dr. Hansu Mayeru" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 26 April 1994. http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/1994_05_35_621.html. Retrieved 2009-12-13. 
  11. ^ "Odluka o dodjeli Ordena kneza Trpimira NJ. E. gospodinu Hikmetu Çetinu, ministru vanjskih poslova Republike Turske" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 7 July 1994. http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/1994_07_57_1040.html. Retrieved 2009-12-13. 
  12. ^ "Odluka o dodjeli Ordena kneza Trpimira gospodinu Klausu Nöldneru predsjedniku humanitarne organizacije CARE Deutschland" (in Croatian). Narodne novine. 14 September 1994. http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/1994_10_72_1254.html. Retrieved 2009-12-13. 
  13. ^ Search of citations for the order on the site of the Office of the President of Croatia.

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