

Furia Sabinia Tranquillina or Sabinia Tranquillina was the Empress of Rome and wife of Emperor Gordian III. She was the beautiful, intelligent and young daughter of the Praetorian Prefect Timesitheus by an unknown wife.

In 241 her father was appointed the head of the Praetorian Guard by the Roman Emperor Gordian III. In May that year, Tranquillina had married Gordian. She became a Roman Empress and received the honorific title of "Augusta". Her marriage to Gordian was an admission by the young emperor of both political indispensability of Timesitheus and Tranquillinas suitability as an empress.

Gordian and Tranquillina had loved each other and had a happy marriage. They showed much respect and admiration for each other. Tranquillinas grace, sweetness and high morals made her very popular with Roman citizens and the Roman army. In 243, her father suddenly died and was replaced with Philip the Arab, as head of the Praetorian Guard. When Gordian was killed in February 244, Philip became the new emperor. Tranquillina survived her husband. She had no children with him.

Roman Coinage of her can be seen at []



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