Filippo Zaniberti

Filippo Zaniberti

Filippo Zaniberti (1585-1636) was an Italian painter of the late-Mannerist period. He was born in Brescia and active in Venice, where he became a pupil of Santo Peranda. Zaniberti's style recalls the richeness of Paolo Veronese. He painted a "Mannah in the desert" for the main altarpiece of the church of Santa Maria Nuova of Venice.


*cite book | author= Lawrence Barnett Phillips | year=1871| title= The dictionary of biographical reference| chapter= | editor= | others= | pages= pate 982| publisher= Sampson, Low, Son, and Marsten (London).| id= | url=| authorlink=
*cite book | author= Federico Nicoli Cristiani | year=1807| title= Della Vita delle pitture di Lattanzio Gambara; Memorie Storiche aggiuntevi brevi notizie intorno a' più celebri ed eccelenti pittori Bresciani| chapter= | editor= | others= | pages= pages 195-196| publisher= Spinelli e Valgiti, Brescia| id= | url=| authorlink=

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