Chiappino Vitelli

Chiappino Vitelli
Chiappino Vitelli.

Giovan Luigi "Chiappino" Vitelli (1519 – July 1575)[1][2] was an Italian marquis and military leader, son of Niccolò Vitelli.[3]

Vitelli served as captain under Cosimo I de' Medici in his wars to gain Florence, Siena and Montalcino, and was appointed governor of Piombino (1543).

He was also a general in the Spanish Army of Flanders, as well as Tuscan ambassador in the England of Elizabeth I. He was marquis of Cetona, that he acquired from Cosimo I de' Medici (1556).

Here, he restored the fortress and built the Piazza Vitelli town square (1559),[4] today the Piazza Garibaldi, as well as the Palazzo Vitelli which can be seen today, holding a significant art collection.[5] He used acquisitions from other places, such as a belltower from Montepescali, a town he had surrounded near Grosseto (1555).[6] His military inventions include a siege technique, first tried at the town of Mons in, for the Spanish Duke of Alba (1572).[7]

He died in the Netherlands in 1575.


  1. ^ Who's who from
  2. ^ Biography from Note biografiche di Capitani di Guerra e di Condottieri di Ventura operanti in Italia nel 1330 - 1550
  3. ^ Gli artisti di Palazzo Vitelli a Sant' Egidio
  4. ^ Feste Giostre e Tornei
  5. ^ History of Cetona
  6. ^ Montepescali, history and tales
  7. ^ Military science in the sixteenth century

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