Ministry of Public Works (Chile)

Ministry of Public Works (Chile)

The Ministry of Public Works (Spanish: Ministerio de Obras Públicas) is the cabinet-level administrative office in charge of "planning, directing, controlling and building the public infrastructure, as well as the conservation and management of them" within Chile. It is also responsible for the "management, distribution, use and conservation" of all the water resources within the country. They answer directly to the President of Chile. The present (since March 11, 2010) Minister of Public Works is Mr Hernán de Solminihac and his Under-secretary is Ms Loreto Silva.



The office was first created by law of June 21, 1887, under President José Manuel Balmaceda as the Ministry of Industry and Public Works. Since then it has undergone several reorganizations during its history, reflected in its different names:

  • Ministry of Industry and Public Works June 21, 1887 - May 20, 1910
  • Ministry of Industry, Public Works and Railroads May 20, 1910 - December 19, 1924
  • Ministry of Public Works and Roads December 19, 1924 - March 21, 1925
  • Ministry of Public Works, Commerce and Communication Roads March 21, 1925 - October 3, 1927
  • Ministry of Foment October 3, 1927 - October 21, 1942
  • Ministry of Public Works and Communication Roads October 21, 1942 - 1953
  • Ministry of Public Works 1953 - December 13, 1967
  • Ministry of Public Works and Transports December 13, 1967 - July 8, 1974
  • Ministry of Public Works July 8, 1974 - present


Ministers of Industry and Public Works

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
PMonttM.jpg Pedro Montt Montt June 28, 1887 April 13, 1888 José Manuel Balmaceda
VicenteDavilaLarrain.jpg Vicente Dávila Larraín April 13, 1888 November 2, 1888
Prudencio Lazcano Echaurren November 2, 1888 January 21, 1889
EnriqueSalvadorSanfuentes.jpg Enrique Salvador Sanfuentes Andonaegui January 21, 1889 May 1, 1889
Jorge Riesco Errázuriz May 1, 1889 October 23, 1889
RBarrosLuco.jpg Ramón Barros Luco October 23, 1889 November 7, 1889
José Miguel Valdés Carrera November 7, 1889 August 7, 1890
Macario Vial Guzmán August 7, 1890 October 15, 1890
Eulogio Allendes Álvarez de Toledo October 15, 1890 December 6, 1890
Guillermo Mackenna Serrano December 6, 1890 March 29, 1891
Nicanor Ugalde Godoy March 29, 1891 August 29, 1891
Agustín Edwards Ross September 7, 1891 March 14, 1892 Appointed by Revolutionary Junta of Iquique
Reappointed by Jorge Montt
Jorge Riesco Errázuriz March 14, 1892 June 11, 1892
VicenteDavilaLarrain.jpg Vicente Dávila Larraín June 11, 1892 1894
Manuel Antonio Prieto 1894 1894
EFernandezAlbano.jpg Elías Fernández Albano 1894 1895
Juan Miguel Dávila 1895 1895
EFernandezAlbano.jpg Elías Fernández Albano 1895 September 18, 1896
Francisco Baeza September 18, 1896 1896 Federico Errázuriz Echaurren
FranciscoValdesCuevas.jpg Francisco de Borja Valdés Cuevas 1896 1897
Belisario Prats Bello 1897 1897
Domingo Toro Herrera 1897 1897
Emilio Orrego Luco 1897 1897
Julio Bañados Espinoza 1897 1898
EmilioBelloCodesido.jpg Emilio Bello Codecido 1898 1898
AAlessandriP.jpg Arturo Alessandri Palma 1898 1899
Daniel Rioseco 1899 September 2, 1899
Gregorio Pinochet Espinoza September 2, 1899 October 28, 1899 Died in office
Florencio Valdés Cuevas October 30, 1899 1900
Abraham Gacitúa Brieva 1900 1900
Rafael Orrego González 1900 1900
Manuel Covarrubias 1900 1901
José Ramón Nieto 1901 1901
JoaquinFernandezBlanco.jpg Joaquín Fernández Blanco 1901 September 18, 1901 Appointed by
Reappointed by Aníbal Zañartu
IsmaelTocornalTocornal.jpg Ismael Tocornal Tocornal September 18, 1901 1901 Germán Riesco
Rafael Orrego González 1901 1902
JJVillarinoCabezon.jpg José Joaquín Villarino Cabezón 1902 1902
Agustín Gana Urzúa 1902 1903
Francisco Rivas Vicuña 1903 1903
Maximiliano Espinoza Pica 1903 1903
Manuel Espinoza Jara 1903 May 12, 1904
Carlos Gregorio Abalos Varela May 12, 1904 June 1, 1904
FranciscoValdesCuevas.jpg Francisco de Borja Valdés Cuevas June 1, 1904 1904
Anfión Muñoz Muñoz 1904 1904
EduardoCharmeFernandez.jpg Eduardo Charme Fernández 1904 1905
EnriqueVillegasEncalada.jpg Enrique Villegas Encalada 1905 1905
José Ramón Gutiérrez 1905 1906
Ramón Antonio Vergara Donoso 1906 1906
Abraham Ovalle Ovalle 1906 September 18, 1906
EduardoCharmeFernandez.jpg Eduardo Charme Fernández September 18, 1906 October 29, 1906 Pedro Montt
Carlos Gregorio Abalos Varela October 29, 1906 November 7, 1906
Anselmo Hevia Riquelme November 7, 1906 1907
Gonzalo Urrejola Unzueta 1907 1907
JoaquinFigueroaL.jpg Joaquín Figueroa Larraín 1907 August 29, 1908
Guillermo Echavarría August 29, 1908 January 22, 1909
Manuel Espinoza Jara January 22, 1909 June 15, 1909
Pedro García de la Huerta June 15, 1909 September 15, 1909
Eduardo Délano September 15, 1909 June 25, 1910

Ministers of Industry, Public Works and Railroads

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
Fidel Muñoz Rodríguez June 25, 1910 November 10, 1910 Appointed by Pedro Montt
Reappointed by Elías Fernández Albano
Reappointed by Emiliano Figueroa
BeltranMathieuAndrews.jpg Beltrán Mathieu Andrews November 10, 1910 December 23, 1910
IsmaelValdesVergara.jpg Ismael Valdés Vergara December 23, 1910 1911 Ramón Barros Luco
Javier Gandarillas Matta 1911 1911
Enrique Zañartu Prieto 1911 1912
Abraham Ovalle Ovalle 1912 1912
Belfor Fernández 1912 1912
Oscar Viel Cavero 1912 1913
Enrique Zañartu Prieto 1913 1914
Absalón Valencia 1914 1914
Julio Garcés 1914 1914
CornelioSaavedraMontt.jpg Cornelio Saavedra Montt 1914 1915
Fernando Freire 1915 1915
Pedro Felipe Iñiguez 1915 December 23, 1915
Roberto Guzmán Montt December 23, 1915 1916 Juan Luis Sanfuentes
AngelGuarello.jpg Angel Guarello Costa 1916 1916
Justiniano Sotomayor Guzmán 1916 1916
Ramón León Luco 1916 1917
Alberto González Errázuriz 1917 1917
Malaquías Concha Ortiz 1917 1918
Francisco Landa Zárate 1918 1918
Ramón Briones Luco 1918 1918
Francisco Landa Zárate 1918 1918
VicenteAdrianVillalobos.jpg Vicente Adrián Villalobos 1918 1919
Manuel O'Ryan Carrasco 1919 1919
Malaquías Concha Ortiz 1919 1919
OscarDavilaIzquierdo.jpg Oscar Dávila Izquierdo 1919 1920
Malaquías Concha Ortiz 1920 1920
ArmandoJaramillo.jpg Armando Jaramillo Valderrama 1920 December 23, 1920
Zenón Torrealba Ilabaca December 23, 1920 1921 Arturo Alessandri
Artemio Gutiérrez 1921 1921
ArmandoJaramillo.jpg Armando Jaramillo Valderrama 1921 1922
Pedro Fajardo 1922 1922
Miguel Letelier Espínola 1922 1922
Absalón Valencia 1922 1923
RobinsonParedes.jpg Róbinson Paredes Pacheco 1923 1923
VicenteAdrianVillalobos.jpg Vicente Adrián Villalobos 1923 1923
Juan Vargas Márquez 1923 1923
Francisco Mardones Otaíza 1923 1924
VicenteAdrianVillalobos.jpg Vicente Adrián Villalobos 1924 1924
RobinsonParedes.jpg Róbinson Paredes Pacheco 1924 1924
Guillermo Bañados 1924 1924
AngelGuarello.jpg Angel Guarello Costa 1924 1924

Ministers of Public Works and Roads

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
OscarDavilaIzquierdo.jpg Oscar Dávila Izquierdo October 17, 1924 December 19, 1924 September Junta
Luis Molina Gómez December 19, 1924 January 23, 1925
Francisco Mardones Otaíza January 29, 1925 August 27, 1925 Appointed by January Junta
Reappointed by Arturo Alessandri
Gustavo Lira Manso August 27, 1925 October 2, 1925

Ministers of Public Works, Commerce and Communication Roads

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
Alejandro García Castelblanco October 2, 1925 December 23, 1925 Arturo Alessandri
AngelGuarello.jpg Angel Guarello Costa December 23, 1925 November 20, 1926 Emiliano Figueroa
Julio Velasco November 20, 1926 May 23, 1927
Emiliano Ortiz Vega May 23, 1927 September 6, 1927 Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Enrique Balmaceda Toro September 6, 1927 September 29, 1927 Interim

Ministers of Foment

Picture Name Entered Office Exited Office Notes Appointed by
Adolfo Ibáñez Boggiano September 29, 1927 February 22, 1929 Carlos Ibáñez del Campo
Conrado Ríos Gallardo February 22, 1929 February 24, 1929 Interim
Luis Schmidt Quezada February 24, 1929 August 23, 1929
Emiliano Bustos August 23, 1929 July 23, 1930
Edecio Torreblanca July 23, 1930 August 29, 1930
Luis Matte Larraín August 29, 1930 November 27, 1930
Edecio Torreblanca November 27, 1930 July 13, 1931
Francisco Cereceda Cisternas July 13, 1931 July 21, 1931
Alejandro García Castelblanco July 23, 1931 July 26, 1931
Luis Gutiérrez Allende July 26, 1931 July 27, 1931 Pedro Opazo
Francisco Cereceda Cisternas July 27, 1931 August 21, 1931 Appointed by Juan Esteban Montero
Reappointed by Manuel Trucco
Luis Alamos Barros August 21, 1931 September 3, 1931
Enrique Matta Figueroa September 3, 1931 November 15, 1931 Appointed by
Reappointed by Juan Esteban Montero
Hernán Echeverría Cazotte November 15, 1931 April 7, 1932
Marco Antonio de la Cuadra April 7, 1932 June 4, 1932
Víctor Navarrete Senn June 5, 1932 September 13, 1932 Appointed by Socialist Junta
Reappointed by Carlos Dávila
Gustavo Lira Manso September 14, 1932 October 2, 1932 Bartolomé Blanche
Miguel Chamorro Araya October 3, 1932 December 24, 1932 Abraham Oyanedel
Alfredo Piwonka Jilabert December 24, 1932 May 9, 1933 Arturo Alessandri
Domingo Santa María Sánchez May 9, 1933 October 31, 1933
Matías Silva Sepúlveda October 31, 1933 September 12, 1936
Luis Alamos Barros September 12, 1936 May 26, 1937
Ricardo Bascuñán Stonner May 26, 1937 December 24, 1938
Arturo Bianchi Gundián December 24, 1938 December 25, 1939 Pedro Aguirre Cerda
Oscar Schnacke Vergara December 25, 1939 December 16, 1941 Appointed by
Reappointed by Jerónimo Méndez
Rolando Merino Reyes December 16, 1941 April 2, 1942
Oscar Schnacke Vergara April 2, 1942 1942 Juan Antonio Ríos

Additional information

See also


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