

Shabe Yaldā (PerB|یلدا) or Shabe Chelle (PerB|شب چله) is an Iranian festival originally celebrated on the Northern Hemisphere's longest night of the year, that is, on the eve of the Winter Solstice.

Following the Iranian calendar reform of 1925, which pegged some seasonal events to specific days of the calendar, Yalda came to be celebrated on the night before and including the 1st day of the 10th month ("Dey"). Subject to seasonal drift, this day may sometimes fall a day before or a day after the actual Winter Solstice.

Yalda today

Following the fall of the Sassanid Empire and the subsequent rise of Islam, the religious significance of the event was lost, and like all the other Zoroastrian festivals "Yalda" became merely a social occasion when family and close friends would get together. Nonetheless, the obligatory serving of fresh fruit during mid-winter is reminiscent of the ancient customs of invoking the divinities to request protection of the winter crop.

The tradition of family gathering survives today in full force.Fact|date=December 2007 Iranian radio and television continue to have special programming for the night of Yalda.

As a novelty, watermelons may appear at the "Korsi". The Korsi is traditional furniture similar to a very short table, around which the family sit on the ground. On it, a blanket made of wool filling is thrown, people leave their legs under the blanket. Inside the korsi, heat is generated by means of coal, electricity or gas heaters.



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