Luciano Fabro

Luciano Fabro

Luciano Fabro (1936 - 2007) was an Italian artist associated with the Arte Povera movement. Born in Turin, Fabro moved to Milan in 1959, continuing to live and work there until his death.

The Arte Povera movement often used unusual materials and unorthodox ideas. His best known works were sculptural reliefs of Italy made out of glass, steel, bronze, gold and even soft leather. [ [ "New York Times", "Luciano Fabro, Italian Artist, Dies at 70" July 3, 2007] ]

He died on 22 June 2007 in Milan following a heart attack. His age at death was reported as 71 in the New York Times, but as 70 in the New York Arts Magazine.


External links

* [ Artist Luciano Fabro (1936 – 2007) - Artforum]

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