Aristide Cavallari

Aristide Cavallari

infobox cardinalstyles
cardinal name=Aristide Cardinal Cavallari
dipstyle=His Eminence
offstyle=Your Eminence
"His Most Reverend Eminence" Aristide Cardinal Cavallari (8 February 1849 - 24 November 1914) was a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church and was former Patriarch of Venice.

Aristide Cavallari was born in Chioggia, Italy. He was educated at the Seminary of Chioggia, where he studied for the three years of theology. His family moved to Venice, where he continued his studies at the Patriarchal Seminary of Venice.


He was ordained to the priesthood on 27 September 1872 by Giuseppe Luigi Cardinal Trevisanato, then Patriarch of Venice. After his ordaination he did pastoral work in Venice, during which time he worked in the offices of the patriarchal curia.


The newly elected Pope, Pope Pius X (and himself a former Patriarch of Venice) appointed Cavallari titular bishop of "Filadelfia", and appointed auxiliary bishop of Venice on August 22 1903. He was consecrated the next day in Rome by Francesco Cardinal Satolli. He was named vicar general of Venice in January 1904 while the search for a new Patriarch was ongoing. He excerisced these offices until he himself was promoted to the patriarchal see of Venice on 15 April 1904 to fill the vacancy left by the election of Pius X.


He was created and proclaimed Cardinal-Priest of "S. Maria in Cosmedin" (deaconry elevated pro hac vice to title) in the consistory of April 15 1907. He participated in the conclave of 1914 that elected Pope Benedict XV. He died shortly after this in November 1914. His remains where transferred to the Patriarchal Cathedral of Venice in November 1957.

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