Art Stevens

Art Stevens

Art Stevens (May 1, 1915May 22, 2007 Studio City, CA) was an animator for The Walt Disney Company. [ [,1,7720867.story?coll=la-news-obituaries&ctrack=1&cset=true "Los Angeles Times", "Art Stevens, 92; Disney animator, director, producer" June 20, 2007] ] He was born in Roy, Montana and started work at Disney in 1939. His first film where he was credited as an animator was "Peter Pan" in 1953. [ [ "New York Times Movie Guide", "Art Stevens"] ] Stevens co-directed the 1977 film "The Rescuers" and co-produced and directed "The Fox and the Hound" in 1981. He retired in 1983 and died in 2007. [ [ AP via "The Washington Post", "Disney Animator Art Stevens Dies at 92" July 2, 2007] ]


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