- Rukne Yamani
Rukne Yamani is the crack in the holy
kaaba whereAli (as) was born.The story of Ali's birth in rukne yamani
Fatimah binte asad , the mother ofAli , was in labour pains. She went up to theKaaba and said:"Oh
God , I have firmfaith in you, theprophets , the books sent down by you, and the speech of my grandfather- the builder of this house. OhGod , for the sake of this child in my womb, make the birth of this child easy." An instant later, the south-east wall of thekaaba opened.Fatimah binte asad entered this crack and the crack then closed.She was the guest ofAllah for 3 days in the holiest ever place and then gave birth to her child-Ali . This was on the 13th Rajab. She came out of thekaaba again and announced: "I heard a message from the unseen to call himali ."This crack in the
kaaba is still there on this very day.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.