Theobald of Provins

Theobald of Provins

Infobox Saint
name= Saint Theobald of Provins
death_date=Death date|1066|06|30
feast_day=June 30
venerated_in=Roman Catholic Church

canonized_by=Pope Alexander II
patronage=bachelors; charcoal-burners

Saint Theobald of Provins ( _fr. Saint Thibaut, Thibault, Thiébaut) (1017-1066) was a French saint. Theobald was born at Provins to the French nobility, he ran away with a friend named Walter to become a hermit at Sussy in the Ardennes. They then traveled to Pettingen.

They became pilgrims on the Way of St. James and afterwards return to the diocese of Trier. They made a pilgrimage to Rome and planned to go to the Holy Land by way of Venice. However, Walter fell ill near Salanigo near Vicenza. They decided to settle there. After Walter died, Theobald became the leader of a group of hermits who had gathered there. His mother, Gisela, eventually became a hermitess near this place of retreat.

Shortly before his death he became a Camaldolese monk.


He died on June 30, his feast day. He was canonized in 1073 by Pope Alexander II. His cult is centered on Provins and Saint-Thibault-en-Auxois (Côte d'Or), where the Cluniac priory had some of his relics.

External links

* [ Catholic Forum: "St. Theobald of Provins"]
* [ Catholic Encyclopedia: "St. Theobald"]
* [ Theobald of Provins]
*de icon [ THEOBALD (auch Dietbald, Thietbald, franz. Thibaud) von Provins]
*it icon [ San Teobaldo di Provins]

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