Quintet (NHK Educational)

Quintet (NHK Educational)

Quintet is a TV program which is aired by NHK educational every Monday to Friday in Japan. It is called You Gotta Quintet.


*This program offers a time of the witty music to the children that there is little old acquaintance in classical music. This TV program is a puppet doll and a music variety program for children by the human being (a music culture entertainment program for children). *By the way, the stage of this program is the practice field which served as the concert hall of the aerial group called "the evening quintet".
*They are "the musicians whom super prominence is convenient" for who have feelings toward a lifestyle and a hairstyle both. This program introduces nonsense daily life in music for the pleasure of such them.
*The music taken up by this program is wide to a song and a folk song mainly on classical music, but ensemble with the musical instrument raw as for the performance. "I wanted to teach that there is such a music while many infant programs become similar music constitution", Yasuhiro Kondo producer says.

On air Time

*From Year 2003.April 7-To2004.April 2,it was on-aired 4 parts in 17:00.
**1st part:17:00-17:01
**2nd part:17:11-17:14
**3rd part:17:32-17:35
**4th part:17:45-17:50
*From Year 2004.April 5-To2006.March 31,it was united to 10 minutes program.
*From Year 2006.April 3-ToYear 2007.March 30,the on airring time was changed and Quintet petit was started. the on airring with substitles was also started.
**Quintet petit:7:55-8:00
*From Year 2007.April 2-,The on airring time was changed again and Quintet petit was ended. They started on airring in the morning on air,and in the evening on air as re on airred of morning.
*From Year 2008.March 31-,The on airring time was changed again and Quintet petit was debuted again. They also started on airring on Saturdays.
**Quintet Petit:7:25-7:30



*1st part
**Theme song. It depends by the seasons.
*2nd part
**puppet show.
*3rd show
**animation etc.
*4th part
*5th part
**ending theme. It depends by the seasons.

Quintet petit

*It was on-aired in 2006.4.3-2007.3.30.
**It used 3rd part and 4th part.

Parody scene

*In this TV program, many parodies are used because it is the after the TV program named HOTCHPITCH STATION. Here are some of them.
**Flat talks as if he were Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger.(Both of them are acted by Tesshō Genda.)
**A flat steers Sharp with a wireless remote controller in parody of strong man 28. etc.


*Akira (Akira Miyakawa)
**He is a human (often puppet) concert master and pianist. The audience cannot understand how old he is. He does not speak because he is not a human. He also plays guitar, triangle, and so on.
*Score (Haruhiko Saito)
**He is a puppet cellist and 67 years old. He is funny and shy. He did many jobs when he was young.
*Flat (Tesshō Genda)
**He is a puppet clarinet player and 42 years old. He has a dog as a pet named Folte. He also plays Harmonica.
*Aria (Ayumi Shigemori)
** She is 28 years old and a puppet violinist. Her soprano voice is beautiful. She also plays accordion.
* Sharp (Kenya Osumi)
** He is a puppet trampet player, percassion player and 22 years old. He likes soccer and comics. He also plays guitar.
* Chi-Boo
** He is a baby puppet and staff, percassion player. He is 11 months old.

Original songs

* The original songs are written by Kei Shimoyama and Akira Miyakawa.
** The midnight zoo(真夜中の動物園、Mayonaka-no-dōbutsuenn)
** It's Good to cry(泣いたっていいんじゃない、Naitatte-iin-janai)
** Lie(うそ、Uso)
** I hate practicing(練習だいきらい、Renshu-dai-kirai)
** My habits(ぼくのクセ、Bokuno-Kuse)etc.

Theme song

* The "You gotta Quintet Theme"(ゆうがたクインテットテーマ、Yuugata-kuintetto-te-ma) is associated with "You've got a Quintet = You Gotta Quintet" of the meaning that "you have five friends" and in a broadcast time of former and an orchestra name and can write the "You gotta quintet"(evening quintet).
* In this program, the text of theme song changes by the seasons, in concretely, the spring version is aired from March to May, the summer version is aired from June to August, the autumn version is aired from September to November, the winter version is on-aired from December to February. (This notation is notation that it includes this broadcast and rebroadcast both.)
* The text of the opening was changed from 2007. The ending is the past and the same text. Although this broadcast was morning at the same time, the phrase called the "You Gotta Quintet" is strange to the thing which was conscious of "You Gotta Quintet".

Singing corner

* In this corner named Quintet song team(クインテット雑唱団、Quintet zasshodan), many original songs are sung. Here are some of them.
** Let's clap when you feel happy(幸せなら手を叩こう、Shiawase-nara-te-wo-tatakou)
** Railway songs Yamanote line(鉄道唱歌 山手線、Tetsudou-shoka-Yamanote-line-train)
** Zuizui Zukkoro bashi(the folk song ずいずいずっころばし)
** Salut D'Amour(愛の挨拶、Song of the greetings of the world)
** Boléro(ボレロ、Borero)etc.

being introduced by the media

Stories about Quintet in the newspapers

The show has been featured twice in the Yomiuri Shimbun
*May 25, 2005 ( [http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/entertainment/tv/20050520et06.htm] )
*Feb 21, 2006 ( [http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/entertainment/tv/20060221et01.htm] )

Aired on the TV

*In 2006, Jan 22nd, it was on aired on the Sunday studio park.( [http://blog.so-net.ne.jp/yukiwochannel/archive/20060124 about it] )


*On December 1, 2005, this program won a top flight section of ABU Prize (a child / young people program section) with the name "that was able to stream down splendor, the pleasure that this program used the doll, and the music had" at an open No. 42 ABU general meeting in Vietnamese Hanoi. ( [http://www.nhk.or.jp/awards/award/051201.html about it] )


* [http://blog.livedoor.jp/micky306bcl/ Quintet] (Fan site but Japanese only)
* [http://www.nhk.or.jp/kids/program/quintet.html Quintet] (NHK)
* [http://www.nhk.or.jp/kids/quintetto/ Quintet] (Kids world)


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