Werner Wickboldt

Werner Wickboldt

Werner Wickboldt (born 1943 in Kiel) is a German teacher at a vocational school in Brunswick, and the original author of a hypothesis about a location of Plato's Atlantis City.

Atlantean hypothesis

Wickboldt claimed that Atlantis was located at Doñana Park, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain at precisely (36°57'25"N / 6°22'58"E).

He is convinced that the events which are connected with Atlantis took place around 1200 B.C. and that the Atlanteans are identical to the sea peoples. He started his attempt to find the location of Atlantis in 1992 and proceeded independently of the well-known Atlantis theories, using only the text of Plato and the interpretation of ´nesos´ as a coastline, an island inside of a river or a river delta. Working with satellite images Wickboldt identified a part of a system of rings which he thought fitted to those that Plato described. [Conference Milos 2005: Proceedings of the International Conference on "The Atlantis Hypothesis: Searching for a Lost Land", Athen 2007, ISBN 978-960-89882-1-7] .

The first public presentation of these results took place in the summer 1997 in Utersum/Föhr in Nordfriesland.

In January 2003 [Forscher meldet:"Atlantis lag in Südwest-Spanien" Wolfenbüttel: Vortrag im Landesmuseum nahm eine überraschende Wendung https://www.newsclick.de/index.jsp/menuid/2044/artid/1281883] , Wickboldt held a lecture about the "Sea Peoples", describing his hypothesis on the possible existence of supposed rectangular and circular ruins. He believed that those ruins, in Doñana Park, Spain, were the legendary Atlantis, through analysis of photographies obtained by a Hindu Satellite. Wickboldt claimed these possible ruins could correspond to the temples of Poseidon and Cleito of the Acropolis of Atlantis. Satellite images of the area show two rectangular structures and concentric circles which have been hypothesized to be the "temple of Poseidon" and "the temple of Cleito and Poseidon". [cite news |title=Satellite images 'show Atlantis |author=Paul Rincon |publisher=BBC News |date=June 06, 2004 |accessdate=2006-08-10 |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3766863.stm ] It is not known if any of these shapes are natural or manmade and archaeological excavations are planned. [http://www.beepworld.de/members/archiv_rainer_kuehne_17/ Search for Tartessos-Atlantis in the Donana National Park]

Wickboldt suggested that the Atlanteans were the Sea Peoples who attacked the Eastern Mediterranean countries around 1200 BC.

Geologists have shown that the Doñana National Park experienced intense erosion from 4000 BC until century IX AD, where it became a marine environment. For thousands of years until the Medieval Age, all that area now occupies the Marshes Doñana was a gulf or a sea-arm inland, and there nor even a small island with sufficient space to house a small village. [A. Rodriguez-Ramirez et al., Recent coastal evolution of the Doñana National Park (SW Spain), in: Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 15 (1996) pp.803 -809] [Paleogeografía de las costas atlánticas de Andalucía durante el Holoceno medio-superior : prehistoria reciente, protohistoria y fases históricas / Francisco Borja BarreraEn: Tartessos : 25 años después, 1968-1993 : Jerez de la Frontera, 1995, ISBN 84-87194-64-8, pags. 73-97]

References and notes

External links

Werner Wickboldt articles:
* [https://www.newsclick.de/index.jsp/menuid/2164/artid/1146232 "Atlantis lag in Südwest-Spanien" Wolfenbüttel: Vortrag im Landesmuseum nahm eine überraschende Wendung]
* [https://www.newsclick.de/index.jsp/menuid/2044/artid/1281883 Forscher meldet: Atlantis gefunden Braunschweiger suchte Standort der versunkenen Stadt]
* [http://www.newsclick.de/epaper/links/BZ/2008/01-Januar/15/BZ/Welt/10.2817459.pdf Lecture announcement 17.01.2008: Auf den Spuren der sagenhaften Stadt Atlantis]

Werner Wickboldt Reports in "Milos Conference", 2005:
* http://milos.conferences.gr/uploads/media/Conference_Programme.pdf (Conference Programme)
* http://milos.conferences.gr/index.php?id=2851 (Report Abstrat)

Werner Wickboldt photos:
* [http://www.newsclick.de/epaper/links/BZ/2008/01-Januar/15/BZ/Welt/10.2817459.pdf Lecture announcement 17.01.2008: Auf den Spuren der sagenhaften Stadt Atlantis]
* [http://www.atlantis-schoppe.de/photos.htm Atlantis Milos Conference Review & Journey]

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