Apex Extreme PGC

Apex Extreme PGC

Apex Extreme PGC is a PC compatible videogame console created by VIA but under the Apex name brand. Apex Extreme PGC is short for Apex Extreme Personal Gaming Console and DVD player. The console was first released in 2004. The ApeXtreme game console is an upgraded Windows XP PC designed to serve as a set top boxcite web|title=Digital Interactive Systems Corp. and DISCover PC Game Consoles|url=http://www.frictionlessinsight.com/archives/2004/02/digital-interac.html|author=Kyle Ackerman|publisher=Frictionless Insight|] . Its pretty much a computer that plays video games on your TV. You will be able to play audio CDs, DVDs, VCD, etc.


ee also

List of video game consoles

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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