

HexPad is a method of padding used in many sports but most visible in basketball and football. Dwyane Wade and Shaquille O'Neal of the Miami Heat first adopted the technology in basketball. Athletes cite the individual cells of padding that move with the body as a major appeal. Also, the spaces between the cells allow moisture movement and breathability for temperature regulation.

In a famous story, the Miami Heat athletic trainer was looking for a flak vest from the Miami Dolphin's athletic trainer. The Dolphin's athletic trainer recommended the HexPad as a more lightweight alternative that allowed better movement.

Other famous players who use this technology for protection against body-to-body contact and body-to-ground contact include Allen Iverson, LeBron James, Carmelo Anthony and Kobe Bryant. In the NFL, a custom HexPad shoulder protector was created for Drew Brees when he returned from surgery enabling him to recover more quickly and return to full action earlier than without the protection.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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