Barbara L

Barbara L

Horse infobox
horsename = Barbara L

caption = - Barbara L-
breed= Quarter Horse
sire = Patriotic (TB)
grandsire = American Flag (TB)
dam = Big Bess
damsire = Sonora Harmon
sex = Mare
foaled = 1947
country = United States
color = Bay
breeder = James Hunt
owner = A. B. Green
racerecord = 81-21-23-9, AAA speed rating
raceearnings = $32,834.00
raceawards= AQHA Race Register of Merit
AQHA Superior Race Horse
honors = American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame
updated= January 10 2008

Barbara L was a Quarter Horse racehorse who raced during the early 1950s, winning many races against some of the giants of the breed. [Nye "Great Moments in Quarter Horse Racing History" p. 91-95]


Barbara L was foaled in 1947, a bay daughter of a Thoroughbred stallion named Patriotic and a Quarter Horse broodmare named Big Bess. She was registered with the American Quarter Horse Association (or AQHA), as number 146,954.AQHA "Official Stud Book and Registry" Vol. 15 p. 393] Her sire was a grandson of Man o' War, while her dam traced to Peter McCue. [ [ Barbara L Pedigree at All Breed Pedigree] retrieved on June 30, 2007] She was registered as bred by James Hunt of Sonora, Texas and her owner at the time of registration was A. B. Green, of Purcell, Oklahoma.

She raced for seven years, staring eighty-one times in those seven years, ending her career on the track with twenty-one victories, twenty-three seconds and nine third place finishes.Wagoner "Quarter Racing Digest" p. 68]

As a broodmare, Barbara L produced eleven foals who earned their Race Register of Merit with the AQHA. Four of her foals earned speed ratings of AAAT, which would translate to speed indexes of 100 or better in current usage. Her foals with the greatest race earnings were Miss Olene - $31,532; Barbara S - $100,691; and Cuter Yet - $98,805.

Barbara L died in 1977. [ American Quarter Horse Foundation Baby Doll Combs] accessed on February 3, 2008] She was inducted into the AQHA Hall of Fame in 2007. [ [ AQHA Hall of Fame] accessed on February 3, 2008]


style=font-size: 100%; line-height: 110%;
boxstyle=padding-top: 0; padding-bottom: 0;
1=Barbara L
2= Patriotic (TB)
3 = Big Bess
4 = American Flag (TB)
5 = Moonlight (TB)
6 = Sonora Harmon
7 = mare by Sam King
8 = Man o' War
9 = Lady Comfey (TB)
10 = Sweep (TB)
11 = Sasenta (TB)
12 = Sealskin
13 = Monte Carter quarter mare
14 = Sam King
15 = unknown
16 = Fair Play (TB)
17 = Mahubah (TB)
18 = Roi Herode (TB)
19= Snoot (TB)
20 = Ben Brush (TB)
21 = Pink Domino (TB)
22 = Eyebrow (TB)
23 = Miss Mae Day (TB)
24 = Harmon Baker
25 = Ima Sequin (TB)
26 = unknown
27 = unknown
28 = Hondo
29 = mare by Sykes' Rondo



* [ All Breed Pedigree Database Pedigree for Barbara L] accessed on June 30, 2007
* [ American Quarter Horse Foundation Baby Doll Combs] accessed on February 3, 2008
* [ AQHA Hall of Fame] accessed on February 3, 2008
* American Quarter Horse Association "Official Stud Book and Registry" Volume 15 Amarillo, Texas:American Quarter Horse Association 1961
* Nye, Nelson C. "Great Moments in Quarter Racing History" New York:Arco 1983 ISBN 0-668-05304-6
* Wagoner, Dan "Quarter Racing Digest: 1940 to 1976" Grapevine, Texas:Equine Research 1976

External links

* [ Barbara L at Quarter Horse Directory]
* [ Barbara L at Quarter Horse Legends]

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