Venera 5

Venera 5

Name = Venera 5

Caption = Venera-5
Organization = USSR
Major_Contractors =
Mission_Type = Lander
Satellite_Of = Venus
Orbital_Insertion_Date = Landed on May 16, 1969
Launch = January 5, 1969 at 06:28:00 UTC
Launch_Vehicle = Tyazheliy Sputnik (69-001C)
Decay =
Mission_Duration = January 5, 1969 to May 16, 1969
NSSDC_ID = 1969-001A
Webpage =
Mass = 1130 kg
Power =
Orbital_elements =
Semimajor_Axis =
Eccentricity =
Inclination =
Orbital_Period =
Apoapsis =
Periapsis =
Orbits =

Venera 5 ( _ru. Венера-5) was a probe in the Soviet space program "Venera" for the exploration of Venus.

*Launch Date/Time: January 5 1969 at 06:28:00 UTC

*On-orbit dry mass: 1130 kg

*Manufacturer's designation: 2V (V-69)
*Agency: MOM
*Manufacturer: Lavochkin

Venera 5 was launched from a Tyazheliy Sputnik (69-001C) towards Venus to obtain atmospheric data. The spacecraft was very similar to Venera 4 although it was of a stronger design.

When the atmosphere of Venus was approached, a capsule weighing 405 kg and containing scientific instruments was jettisoned from the main spacecraft. During satellite descent towards the surface of Venus, a parachute opened to slow the rate of descent. For 53 minutes on May 16, 1969, while the capsule was suspended from the parachute, data from the Venusian atmosphere were returned. It landed at Venus coords and quad cat|3|S|18|E. The spacecraft also carried a medallion bearing the State Coat of Arms of the U.S.S.R. and a bas-relief of V. I. Lenin to the night side of Venus.

Given the results from Venera 4, the Venera 5 and Venera 6 landers contained new chemical analysis experiments tuned to provide more precise measurements of the atmosphere's components. Knowing the atmosphere was extremely dense, the parachutes were also made smaller so the capsule would reach its full crush depth before running out of power (as Venera 4 had done).

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