- Camponotus schmitzi
name = "Camponotus schmitzi"
image_caption =
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo =Hymenoptera
familia = Formicidae
genus = "Camponotus "
species = "C. schmitzi"
binomial = "Camponotus schmitzi"
binomial_authority = Stärke, 1933"Camponotus schmitzi" is a species of
carpenter ant native to northwesternBorneo . [Schuitemaker, J.P. & A. Stärke 1933. Contribution a l'etude de la faune Nepenthicole. Art. III Un noveau "Camponotus" de Borneo, habitant les tiges cruises de "Nepenthes" récolté par J. P. Schuitemaker et décrit par A. Stärke, den Dolder. "Overdruk uit het Natuurhistorisch Maandblad" 22(3): 29–31.]The ant makes its nest in the hollow tendrils of the
pitcher plant "Nepenthes bicalcarata ". [Clarke, C.M. 1997. "Nepenthes of Borneo". Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.] [Shelford, R. 1916. "A naturalist in Borneo". T. Fisher Unwin, London.] [Cresswell, J.E. 2000. Resource input and the community structure of larval infaunas of an eastern tropical pitcher plant "Nepenthes bicalcarata". "Ecological Entomology" 25(3): 362–366. DOI|10.1046/j.1365-2311.2000.00267.x]This unique animal-plant interaction was noted by
Frederick William Burbidge as early as 1880. [Burbidge, F.W. 1880. "The Gardens of the Sun". Murray, London. 364 pp.] In 1904,Odoardo Beccari suggested that the ants feed on insects found on and around the plant, but may fall prey to it themselves. [Beccari, O. 1904. "Wanderings in the great forests of Borneo". Archibald and Constable, London.] In 1990, B. Hölldobler and E.O. Wilson proposed that "N. bicalcarata" and "C. schmitzi" form a mutually beneficial association. [Hölldobler, B. & E.O. Wilson 1990. "The Ants". Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.] At the time, however, no experimental data existed to support such a hypothesis. A series of observations and experiments carried out inBrunei by Charles Clarke in 1992 and 1998, [Clarke, C.M. 1992. The ecology of metazoan communities in "Nepenthes" pitcher plants in Borneo, with special reference to the community of "Nepenthes bicalcarata" Hook.f. Ph.D. thesis, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales. 269 pp.] [Clarke, C.M. 1998. Initial colonisation and prey capture in "Nepenthes bicalcarata" (Nepenthaceae) pitchers in Brunei. "Sandakania" 12: 27–36.] [Clarke, C.M. 1998. The aquatic arthropod community of the pitcher plant, "Nepenthes bicalcarata" (Nepenthaceae) in Brunei. "Sandakania" 11: 55–60.] and by Clarke and Kitching in 1993 and 1995, [Clarke, C.M. & R.L. Kitching 1993. The Metazoan Food Webs from Six Bornean "Nepenthes" Species. "Ecological Entomology" 18: 7–16.] [Clarke, C.M. & R.L. Kitching 1995. Swimming Ants and Pitcher Plants: a Unique Ant-Plant Interaction from Borneo. "Journal of Tropical Ecology" 11(4): 589–602.] strongly support themutualism theory.The ants feed by descending into the pitcher fluid and retrieving
arthropod s caught by the plant. The ants seem to ignore smaller insects and only target larger prey items. Hauling food from the pitcher fluid to the peristome, a distance of no more than 5 cm, may take up to 12 hours. In this way the contents of "N. bicalcarata" pitchers is controlled such that organic matter does not accumulate to the point ofputrefaction , which can lead to the demise of pitcher infauna (which also appear to benefit the plant) and sometimes the pitcher itself.The ants seem to favour upper pitchers and rarely colonise lower pitchers. [Clarke, C.M. 1997. The effects of pitcher dimorphism on the metazoan community of the carnivorous pitcher plant "Nepenthes bicalcarata" Hook.f.. "Malayan Nature Journal" 50: 149–157.] This is likely due to the fact that terrestrial traps are periodically submerged in water during heavy rains. Flooding of the ants' nest chamber could result in the death of the developing eggs,
larva e, andpupa e.Clarke, C.M. & C.C. Lee 2004. "Pitcher Plants of Sarawak". Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.]"C. schmitzi" nests solely in the tendrils of "N. bicalcarata" and rarely ventures onto other plants. The species is completely dependent on "N. bicalcarata" for food and .Clarke, C.M. 1997. "Nepenthes of Borneo". Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu.] "N. bicalcarata", on the other hand, is able to survive and reproduce without the presence of the ants; it is a facultative mutualist. This being the case, there appear to be few mature plants over 2 metres in height not colonised by "C. schmitzi".
John Thompson suggests that "N. bicalcarata" may be the only plant species that obtains nutrients through both insect capture and ant-hosting habits. [Thompson, J.H. 1981. Reverse animal-plant interactions: the evolution of insectivorous and ant-fed plants. "Biological Journal of the Linnean Society" 16: 147–155.]
External links
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