

Cea may be:

A Certified Audio Engineer (CEA) is a title granted to an individual that successfully meets the experience and examination requirements of the certification. The certification is regulated by the Society of Broadcast Engineers. The CEA title is protected by copyright laws. Individuals who use the title without consent from the Society of Broadcast Engineers could face legal repercussions.

The SBE certifications were created to recognize individuals who practice in career fields which are not regulated by state licensing programs. Audio Engineering is not a concern of civil or governmental regulation.

in León, Spain:
* Cea River, Castilla y León
* Cea (León)
* Santa María del Monte de Cea

in Galicia, Spain:
* San Cristobal de Cea
* San Pedro de Cea

a Spanish surname:
* Francisco Cea Bermúdez, Spanish politician of the 19th century
* José Roberto Cea, El Salvador author
* Eusebio Rodolfo Cordón Cea, El Salvador politician

* ISO 639-3 code for the Chehalis language

*see CEA for acronyms.

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