- Fulbright Academy
The Fulbright Academy, also known as the Fulbright Academy of Science & Technology (FAST), is an international organization established in 2003 by alumni of the
Fulbright Exchange Program and others interested in science and technology innovation.FAST is a virtual research institute and network, with board members and volunteers placed in many countries. It has individual and institutional members worldwide. Individual members are in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and related fields. Institutional members include universities, corporations, foundations and government agencies.
FAST facilitates dialogue among scholars and scientists by hosting conferences and meetings.
* 2006 Annual Conference - Berlin, Germany, in collaboration with the German Fulbright Commission(http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulbright-Kommission)
* 2007 Annual Conference - Panama City, Panama
* 2008 Annual Conference - Boston, Massachusetts, USAThe Fulbright Academy is not involved in the selection of Fulbright scholars or in the administration of the Fulbright Exchange program. FAST is not affiliated with the US State Department, national alumni groups, or the agencies and commissions involved in administering Fulbright exchanges.
External links
* [http://www.FulbrightAcademy.org Fulbright Academy Website]
* [http://www.esmt.org/en/102874 European School of Management of Technology Newsletter]
* [http://content.nsdl.org/wbr/Issue.php?issue=105 National Science Digital Library, Whiteboard Report #105]
* [http://www.wfu.edu/rsp/news/RN1206.pdf Wake Forest University Research News]References
Ambassadors of Peace: Experiences of Pakistani and US Exchange Scholars, 2007, pg. 323-324, ISBN 0595-42774-XBeyond Boundaries: Reflections of Indian and US Scholars, 2007, pg. 561-562, ISBN 0-595-43644-7Similarity in Diversity: Reflections of Malaysian and American Exchange Students, 2006, pg. 113-114. ISBN 0-595-42324-8.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.