Social network creation

Social network creation

Is the phenomenon of social networks forming or developing from existing networks.

R.Nozick describes three ways in which social networks expand

Societies develop as they review their past and compare past experiences for forming present ethics.


Technologies facility the experience of the group and integrate members and allow collaboration.Communication systems enable instruction for social activities, informing systems and anticipation from analysis.

Identity, transactions and success are social phenomena.


Memes find an environment for inhabitation in social networks. The social network in turn generates memes. Other social networks form memes to describe and influence ideas about the given social network.

Thymological Imperative

reason governs the society. Application of reason to selection of memes and utilisation of these memes for social politics, social development ans social ethics guides the society.Understanding of reason is different in every society and changes throughout the history. It is possible that there exists an algebra to describe such events and changes.


societies have methods for sustaining form and attracting new members

  1. Promises
  2. Visions
  3. Example
  4. Conversion
  5. Models
  6. Rules
  7. Faith
  8. Maxims
  9. Aims
  10. Properties and Identity
  11. Ethics and Metaethics

Ancient principles of success

Most often success of a social network is measured by its age, and it is a reasonable ground that this is related to the wisodm developed by the social network.

The other measure of success is the wellbeing of its members.

Knowledge of the environment and on operating the society provides the resource for sustaining the society.

Types of networks

  1. Hierarchical
  2. Heterarchical
  3. Holarchical
  4. Egalitarian
  5. Multitiered

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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