- Kush Pish
Khush Pish is the latest of terms usd in
Morocco to describe a new category of aggressive and frusted population. the origins of the word is disputed, however there is a great similarity with the expression "Les indoubekhish", which was massively used through the late 80's and early 90's and which stems from the famous French phrase "Les indigènes".Tuhs, Kush Pish is an expression or term used to define a specific category of lower social class that is usually aged between 7 and 24.
These people are very angry and destructive in nature. They are usually seen and identified during soccer riots where the general populations prefers to hide itself in shelter until the danger is gone.
Activities of Kush Pish range from destroying public property , breaking buses, harassing the general public to mass begging and random aggressions. They have been also linked to cheap and dangerous drug consumption such as GLUE(silissioun), Gasoline,and other toxic substances that keep them permanently on a "high" sensation.Other related expressions: "Bouzebal","She3b Zerwata".
This is a discriminating definition because it includes a large part of moroccan society. Although It's been removed last august,It's been reposted...with some changes. But it remains discriminating and sectarian
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.