Revue des Études Juives

Revue des Études Juives

"Revue des Études Juives" is a French quarterly, founded in July 1880 at Paris by the Société des Études Juives. It was originally published under the editorship of Isidore Loeb, and after his death (June 3, 1892) under that of Israel Lévi. Like the "Jewish Quarterly Review", this periodical is devoted to scientific research and to the printing of unpublished texts concerning Judaism, among others documents relative to the history of the French Jews. Nearly every number contains also a special bibliographical section devoted to reviews of current works on Judaism.

The "Revue" is arranged in volumes, two of which contain the records for the year. Each of these volumes consists of two numbers. Among the early contributors to the "Revue des Études Juives" may be mentioned: Wilhelm Bacher, Arsène and James Darmesteter, Joseph and Hartwig Derenbourg, Joseph Halévy, Israel Lévi, Isidore Loeb, Zadoc Kahn, Meyer Kayserling, David Kaufmann, Nathan Porges, Samuel Poznanski, and Moïse Schwab. The most prolific of these contributors was Isidore Loeb himself, who, besides his bibliographical reviews, enriched this periodical with a great many articles of varied contents. Of particular interest are a series of articles by Joseph Derenbourg on Biblical studies and another series of rabbinical miscellanies, among them the glosses of Abu Zakariya ibn Bal'am on Isaiah (Arabic text and French translation). Of no less interest are J. Halévy's "Recherches Bibliques," a series of articles on Biblical archaeology containing also the Assyrian texts of the correspondence between the Asiatic rulers and the Egyptian kings Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten). Among Israel Lévi's articles special mention may be made of those on Jewish legends found in Talmudic literature, with references to non-Jewish sources. Finally, Moïse Schwab published many Hebrew inscriptions and documents relative to the history of the French Jews.

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