Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky

Michel Chossudovsky (born 1946) is a Canadian-based economist.

He graduated from the University of Manchester, England, and obtained a PhD at the University of North Carolina, U. S. A.; he is professor of economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa.[1][2][3][4]



Michel Chossudovsky is the son of a distinguished academic, Russian born Evgeny Chossudovsky, (1914–2006), and a Northern Irishwoman, Rachel. He is founder, editor, and director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), which is "committed to curbing the tide of globalisation and disarming the new world order".[5]

In 1999, Chossudovsky joined the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research as an adviser.[3]

Chossudovsky was profiled in the Ottawa Citizen in an article by Juliet Oniell.[6]


He is a frequent contributor to Third World Resurgence and Covert Action Quarterly.[7] His latest book is titled America's "War on Terrorism".


Chossudovsky claims that the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is actually an operational weapon of mass destruction, with the power to alter the weather, disrupt regional electrical power systems, and modify the Earth's magnetic field, as well as potentially trigger earthquakes and affect people's health.[8][9][10]


After the September 11 terrorist attacks he highlighted the historical relationship between the US government, Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. On Russia Today, he stated that President Obama, not Osama bin Laden, is the biggest threat to global security.[11] In the Preface of America's "War on Terrorism" he wrote:

The myth of the "outside enemy" and the threat of "Islamic terrorists" was the cornerstone of the Bush administration’s military doctrine, used as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention the repeal of civil liberties and constitutional government in America. Without an "outside enemy", there could be no "war on terrorism".[12]

In a speech given at the Perdana Global Peace Forum in 2005, Chossudovsky stated that "Osama bin Laden and the Taliban were identified as the prime suspects of the 9/11 attacks, without a shred of evidence" and that “Amply documented, the war on terrorism is a fabrication.[13][14]

He has also claimed that the invasion of Afghanistan had long been planned by the United States and NATO, with the 9/11 attacks used as an excuse to justify the war.[15][16]

In an op-ed in the Western Standard, Chossudovsky was listed as one of Canada's nuttiest professors "whose absurdity stands head and shoulders above their colleagues."[17] Specifically, the op-ed criticized GlobalResearch.ca as "anti-U.S. and anti-globalization"[17] and Chussodovsky's "wild-eyed conspiracy theories."[17]

An article in The Jewish Tribune has also criticized GlobalResearch.ca as "rife with anti-Jewish conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial."[18] The same article also reported that B'nai Brith Canada wrote a letter to the University of Ottawa asking for the university "to conduct its own investigation of this propagandist site."[18]


Chossudovsky has questioned the widespread notion that the Yugoslav wars were primarily motivated by ethnic or nationalist conflict. In his 1996 article "Dismantling Yugoslavia: Colonizing Bosnia", he wrote that the macroeconomic restructuring and the deep-seated economic crisis of the 1980s helped destroy Yugoslavia, but that the global media have carefully overlooked or denied the central role of Western-backed neoliberal policies in the process, and that after the war the Western powers have concentrated on debt repayment and potential energy bonanzas rather than rebuilding the economy.[19]


  • With Fred Caloren and Paul Gingrich, Is the Canadian Economy Closing Down? (Montreal: Black Rose, 1978) ISBN 0-919618-80-4
  • Towards Capitalist Restoration? Chinese Socialism After Mao (New York: St Martin's, 1986 and London: Macmillan, 1986) ISBN 0-333-38441-5
  • The Globalization of Poverty: Impacts of IMF and World Bank Reforms, (Penang: Third World Network, 1997) and (London: Zed, 1997) ISBN 81-85569-34-7 and ISBN 1-85649-402-0
  • Exporting Apartheid to Sub-Saharan Africa (New Delhi: Madhyam, 1997) ISBN 81-86816-06-2
  • 'Washington's New World Order Weapons Can Trigger Climate Change', (November 26, 2000)
  • Guerres et Mondialisation: A Qui Profite Le 11 Septembre? (Serpent a Plume, 2002) ISBN 2-84261-387-2
  • The Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order (Oro, Ontario: Global Outlook, 2003) ISBN 0-9731109-1-0Excerpt.
  • America's "War on Terrorism" (Pincourt, Quebec: Global Research, 2005) ISBN 0-9737147-1-9


A list of audio interviews: (French Connection Audio Archive)

Lectures / Presentations

War and Globalization (Google Video)


  1. ^ Carolyn L. Baker (October 20, 2006). U.S. History Uncensored: What Your High School Textbook Didn't Tell You. iUniverse, Inc. p. 136. 
  2. ^ Scott A. Bessenecker (October 31, 2006). The New Friars: The Emerging Movement Serving the World's Poor. IVP Books. p. 156. 
  3. ^ a b "TFF Associates". The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research. http://www.transnational.org/SAJT/tff/people/m_chossudovsky.html. 
  4. ^ http://www.socialsciences.uottawa.ca/eco/eng/profdetails.asp?id=49
  5. ^ "Globalization Links: Anti-Establishmentarians on the Web". The University of Iowa Center for International Finance and Development. Last updated: June, 2002. http://www.uiowa.edu/ifdebook/issues/globalization/links/global_links.shtml. Retrieved 19 May 2011. 
  6. ^ Juliet Oneill, "Battling Mainstream Economics,"
  7. ^ Michel Chossudovsky (December 1996). "La Corruption À L’Assaut Des Etats". Le Monde diplomatique. http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/1996/12/CHOSSUDOVSKY/7464. 
  8. ^ Michel Chossudovsky, "The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: 'Owning the Weather' for Military Use," Global Research (27 September 2004).
  9. ^ Michel Chossudovsky, "H.A.A.R.P. It's not only greenhouse gas emissions: Washington's new world order weapons have the ability to trigger climate change." www.FromTheWildrness.com (November, 2000)
  10. ^ Michel Chossudovsky, "Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare," Global Research (December 7, 2007).
  11. ^ April 4, 2010 VIDEO: Obama, not Osama, is Threat No.1 to Global Security by Michel Chossudovsky
  12. ^ Chossudovsky, Michel (2005-09-15). "Preface to the second edition". America's "War on Terrorism" (2nd ed.). Global Research. p. XII. http://www.amazon.com/Americas-War-Terrorism-Michel-Chossudovsky/dp/0973714719#reader_0973714719. 
  13. ^ Ground Zero Imam Tied to 9/11 ‘Truthers,’ Jew-Haters by Alana N. Goodman, Gold Coast Chronicle, August 8, 2010.
  14. ^ The Anglo-American War of Terror: An Overview by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, December 21, 2005.
  15. ^ Michel Chossudovsky, "'Revealing the Lies' on 9/11 Perpetuates the 'Big Lie'," Global Research, 27 May 2004. Text of Michel Chossudovsky's keynote presentation at the opening plenary session (27 May 2004) to The International Citizens Inquiry Into 9/11, Toronto, 25–30 May 2004.
  16. ^ Michel Chossudovsky, "9/11 and the "American Inquisition"," Global Research (September 11, 2008).
  17. ^ a b c Terry O'Niell (2006-09-25). "Canada's nuttiest professors". Western Standard. http://www.westernstandard.ca/website/article.php?id=1998&start=1. 
  18. ^ a b "Conspiracy web site by Ottawa Professor sets dangerous examples for students". Jewish Tribune Canada. 2005-08-25. http://www.jewishtribune.ca/tribune/jt-050825-05.html. 
  19. ^ Chossudovsky, "Dismantling Yugoslavia: Colonizing Bosnia," Covert Action, No. 56 (Spring 1996).

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  • Michel Chossudovsky — Michel Evgenij Chossudovsky (* 1943) ist ein kanadischer Professor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Ottawa. Internationale Bekanntheit erlangte er durch seine globalisierungskritischen Publikationen, die in mehr als zwanzig… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Michel Chossudovsky — Nacimiento 1946  Canadá …   Wikipedia Español

  • Michel Chossudovsky — est un économiste canadien, professeur à la faculté des sciences sociales de l université d Ottawa. Sommaire 1 Biographie 1.1 Sur HAARP 2 Œuvres 3 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Chossudovsky — Michel Evgenij Chossudovsky (* 1943) ist ein kanadischer Professor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Ottawa. Internationale Bekanntheit erlangte er durch seine globalisierungskritischen Publikationen, die in mehr als zwanzig… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation — Michel Chossudovsky Michel Chossudovsky est un économiste canadien, professeur à l université d Ottawa et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation depuis sa création le 9 septembre 2001. Son livre The Globalization of Poverty and… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Verschwörungstheorien zum 11. September 2001 — (auch: 9/11 Verschwörungstheorien, englisch: 9/11 conspiracy theories) gehen meist davon aus, dass die Terroranschläge dieses Tages von Regierungs und Geheimdienst Vertretern der USA absichtlich zugelassen oder geplant und durchgeführt wurden.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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