Ziya Hurşit

Ziya Hurşit


Ziya Hurşit was born in the town of Çamlıhemşin of Rize Province in 1890. He was a member of Kürdoğlu family. He was educated on ship construction and radio in Gdańsk, Germany. He participated in Erzurum Congress as Trabzon delegate. He fought in Independence War(Turkish War of Independence) as a volunteer. He took part in 1st TBMM as Lazistan deputy. He had been a member of Yozgat Independence Court for a period of time. But his views differed with Mustafa Kemal's. Thus he wasn't able to be elected as deputy in 2nd TBMM.

In 16th June 1926, he was arrested for planning an assassination against Mustafa Kemal in İzmir. According to charge made, those who act with Ziya Hurşit, Gürcü Yusuf, Laz İsmail and Çopur Hilmi, would shot Mustafa Kemal dead in front of Kemeraltı prison. Ziya Hurşit and his fellow friends, taking advantage of chaos caused, would embark on the boat of Cretan Şevki Bey,which was waiting in the dock, by a car waiting in the Yemiş bazaar and flee to Chios. But at the last moment, as a consequence of Şevki Bey's treachery by regretting this action(assassination), Ziya Hurşit and his friends were captured. It was understood that behind the assassination was a group in Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası, an Opposition party in TBMM. The party was closed down. Ziya Hurşit and his friends were sentenced to death and in 14th July 1926 he was executed with another thirteen men including Laz İsmail, Gürcü Yusuf, Çopur Hilmi, Şükrü Bey, Ayıcı Arif and İsmail Canpolat.

Moment of Execution

Ziya Hurşit was by the gallows. "What a nice thing. It looks like a swing" he said. At the same time he was examining the audience. Then he saw Kılıç Ali. "Kılıç Ali? Where is he? Let me see him." Kılıç Ali feeling eyes upon him tried to conceal himself from sight of Ziya Hurşit. Ali the Executioner couldn't wait for putting the rope on Ziya's neck. "Sir, time goes!" warned the executioner. Ziya Hurşit replied this angry warning with a smiling and teasing face. "Why hurry sweetheart? Isn't it me who's gonna die? I'm going. The world will be yours. I will meet your ancestors in the Heaven. If you have any letters, let me deliver them. Farewell!"

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