

PacoBlaze is a synthesizable and behavioral Verilog implementation of Xilinx's PicoBlaze soft microcontroller core, and is available through the BSD License. The design includes the three PicoBlaze configurations in a single configurable set of files.

The core was written and is maintained by [ Pablo Bleyer] . He also wrote a PicoBlaze/PacoBlaze assembler written in the Java language, KCAsm.

The performance of the processor is similar to the original Picoblaze, but depending on the implementation —and since it is a behavioral design— the size of the core in a current FPGA is between 30%-50% larger. However, unused portions of the core may be removed to reduce the number of digital blocks used and also improve speed.

ee also

* PicoBlaze

External links

* [ PacoBlaze home page]

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