- Jack Minker
Jack Minker is a leading authority in
artificial intelligence ,deductive database s,logic programming andnon-monotonic reasoning . He is also an internationally recognized leader in the field of human rights of computer scientists.Career
Minker was born in 1927 in Brooklyn, New York. He received his BA from Brooklyn College in 1949, MA from the University of Wisconsin in 1950 and Ph.D from the University of Pennsylvania in 1959, having started his career in industry in 1951, working at the Bell Aircraft Corporation, RCA and the Auerbach Corporation. He joined the University of Maryland in 1967, becoming Professor of Computer Science in 1971 and the first Chairman of the Department in 1974. He became Professor Emeritus in 1998.
Minker is one of the founders of the area of deductive databases and disjunctive logic programming. He has made important contributions to semantic
query optimization and to cooperative and informative answers for deductive databases. He has also developed a theoretical basis for disjunctive databases and disjunctive logic programs, developing theGeneralized Closed World Assumption (GCWA).Minker has over 150 refereed publications and has edited or co-edited five books on deductive databases, logic programming, and the use of logic in artificial intelligence. Heis Founding Editor-in-Chief of the Theory and Practice of Logic Programming Journal.
Minker was Vice-Chairman of the Committee of Concerned Scientists since 1973, and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights (CSFHR) of the Association for Computing Machinery from 1980-1989. He led the struggle for the release of Anatoly Shcharansky and Aleksandr Lerner from the late Soviet Union. He also campaigned on behalf of Andrei Sakharov and his wife, Yelena Bonner.
Honours and Awards
Minker was elected a Fellow of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1989, founding Fellow of theAssociation for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in 1990, Fellow of theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1991, and founding Fellow of theAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 1993.He received the ACM Outstanding Contribution Award for his work on human rights in 1985, the ACM Recognition of Service Award in 1989, the University of Maryland President's Medal for 1996, and the prestigious ACM Allen Newell Award for 2005. The Allen Newell Award is a recognition by the Association for Computing Machinery to individuals that have contributed to the breadth of knowledge within computer science and the bridging between computer science and other disciplines.
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