Aphelenchoides besseyi

Aphelenchoides besseyi

name = Rice white tip nematode
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Nematoda
classis = Secernentea
subclassis = Diplogasteria
ordo = Tylenchida
superfamilia = Aphelenchoidea
familia = Aphelenchoididae
subfamilia = Aphelenchoidinae
genus = "Aphelenchoides"
species = "A. besseyi"
binomial = "Aphelenchoides besseyi"
binomial_authority = Christie, 1942
synonyms =
*"Aphelenchoides oryzae" Yokoo
*"Asteroaphelenchoides besseyi" (Christie) Drozdovski [ [http://www.eppo.org/QUARANTINE/nematodes/Aphelenchoides_besseyi/APLOBE_ds.pdf "Aphelenchoides besseyi"] at European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization]

"Aphelenchoides besseyi" (Rice white-tip nematode, Rice white tip nematode, Spring dwarf nematode, Strawberry bud nematode, Strawberry crimp disease nematode, White-tip nematode) is a plant pathogenic nematode. [ [http://plpnemweb.ucdavis.edu/Nemaplex/Taxadata/G011s1.htm "Aphelenchoides besseyi"] at Nemaplex, University of California] [ZiMing, Wang; MaoSong, Lin; Na, Lin; XiaoFan, Ding; Zhou; Ming, Feng [http://www.cababstractsplus.org/google/abstract.asp?AcNo=20053165274 Description of "Aphelenchoides besseyi" from abnormal rice with small grains and erect panicles in China] ." Chinese Journal of Rice Science, 2005 (Vol. 19) (No. 4) 361-365"]


External links

* [http://www.cababstractsplus.org/DMPD/Reviews.asp?action=display&openMenu=relatedItems&ReviewID=16180&Year=2000 "Aphelenchoides besseyi"'s distribution map] at CAB International

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