- Bragmanni
Bragmanni were a mythical race of people thought by medieval Europeans to live on the fringes of the known world. The name could be derived from that of the Hindu caste of the
Brahmans , however, some medieval writers clearly differentiate between the Brahmans and the imagined Bragmanni. Although they were often lumped together with monstrous races such asCyclops andCynocephaly , Bragmanni were normal in appearance, and differed from other humans because of their unique lifestyle.Fritze, Ronald H. "Travel Legend and Lore: An Encyclopedia". Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1998.]Bragmanni were unclothed, cave-dwelling wise men who were extremely moralistic and ascetic. [ [http://www.southwestern.edu/ACS/latin/team9/worldview.htm Medieval World View (Southwestern University)] ] They are often merged or confused with
Gymnosophists , a similar group of wise men.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.