- USS General Greene (1799)
The second USS "General Greene" was a
frigate in theUnited States Navy during theQuasi-War withFrance ."General Greene" was built under government contract by
Banjamin Talman andJames de Wolf ,Warren, Rhode Island ; launched21 January 1799 ; and placed under command of Captain Christopher R. Perry. A youngmidshipman ,Oliver Hazard Perry , was assigned to his father's ship.The frigate sailed
2 June 1799 , joining "Governor Jay" in convoying five merchantmen bound toHavana . Damage suffered in a heavy gale caused her to put in at Havana for repairs. Her crew was struck down withyellow fever . More than 20 perished and she returned toNewport, Rhode Island , on27 July with 37 men in various stages of recovery. After a thorough cleaning, fumigation, and change of ballast, she departed Newport23 September 1799 to take station atCap Francois, San Domingo ."General Greene" remained on San Domingo Station for the following 6 months. In company with "Boston"
1 December 1799 , she assisted in the capture ofschooner "Flying Fish" and retook the American schooner "Weymouth" captured by Frenchprivateer "Hope". Much of her time was spent watching over the rebellion against General Toussaint inHaiti . She blockaded the port ofJaemel to cut off supplies of the revolutionist. The frigate gave direct gunfire support to General Toussaint's army in the capture of Jaemel27 February 1800 . She remained there as a possible haven for American citizens until27 April ; then sailed with two representatives sent by General Toussaint for audience with thePresident of the United States ,John Adams . TouchingNew Orleans, Louisiana , she embarked GeneralJames Wilkinson and his family for transport home. She then proceeded as escort to 12 merchantmen bound to Havana, thence to Newport, where she arrived21 July 1800 ."General Greene's" crew was discharged and she remained idle at Newport until Captain Perry was retired under the Peace Establishment Act of
3 April 1801 . She was laid upin ordinary at theWashington Navy Yard . The frigate served as a floating sick bay for frigate "Constellation" in 1803 and was reduced to a sheer hulk in 1805.Her hulk was destroyed by flames
24 August 1814 when the British enteredWashington, D. C. during theWar of 1812 .References
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