

"For the deceased Spanish football player, see Antonio Puerta"

"For the Argentine tennis player, see Mariano Puerta"

Puerta (plural: Puertas) is the Spanish word for "gate(/s)" which are the gates in the Philippine Walled city of Intramuros.

Gates Facing The West

*Puerta de Banderas

Built in 1662 as the Governor-General's gate when the first Governor's palace is still located in Fort Santiago. Destroyed during an earthquake.

*Puerta de Postigo

Built in 1662. Led to the palaces of Governor-General and Archbishop of Manila. Original gate located several meters to the left. Renovated in 1782. National hero Jose Rizal passed through this gate from Fort Santiago to his execution at Bagumbayan in 1896. Damaged during the Battle of Manila in 1945. Restored in 1968

*Puerta de Sta. Lucia

Built in 1603, this is one of the original entrances to the Walled City. It underwent improvements in the late 18th century. Became favored as an entry point to Malecon Drive, a promenade area along the seashore. Gate was destroyed during the Battle of Manila in 1945 to allow the entry of American tanks into the city. Gate restored in 1982

Gate Facing The South

*Puerta Real

Built in 1663. Used exclusively by the Governor-General for state occasions. Original gate at the right of Baluartede San Andres and faced the village of Bagumbayan. Destroyed during the British invasion in 1762.Present Puerta Real built in 1780. Damaged during the battle of Manila. Restored in 1969 and additional work made in 1989.

Gate Facing The East

*Puerta de Parian

Named after the "Parian de Arroceros" across the city where Chinese merchants lived. Built in 1593. One of the earliest entrances to Intramuros. Became official entrance of the Governor-General in 1764, after following the destruction of Puerta Real during the British invasion. Damaged during the Battle of Manila in 1945. Restoration begun in 1967 and completed in 1982.

Gates Facing The North

*Puerta de Almacenes

Built in 1690 for trading with the other side of the river. Continually renovated until its completion in 1739. Lasted until 1903 when American military engineers demolished the walls for river wharves.

*Puerta de Santo Domingo/Puerta de Aduana

Named after the nearby church, this gate was built in the 18th century during the renovation on the riverside defenses. it opened to the river wharves, but American engineers tore down the gate & fortification in 1903 to open a road to Intramuros from Magallanes Drive.

*Puerta de Isabel II*

Opened in 1861. The last gate to be built in Intramuros. Part of the route of tranvía in the 19th century. Damaged during the Battle of Manila in 1945. Restored in 1966.

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