title=Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimised personal Services
fundingAgency=European Union
keywords=Mobile communication
projectType=Integrated Project
coordinator=Deutsche Telekom AG
start=1 January 2006
end=31 December 2008
DAIDALOS is an Integrated Project under the
Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT ). The acronym DAIDALOS stands for "Designing Advanced network Interfaces for the Delivery and Administration of Location independent, Optimised personal Services". The DAIDALOS project will design, develop and validate a blueprintBeyond 3G Framework. It supports secure, personalized and pervasive services built on heterogeneous network and service infrastructures for the mobile user and will contribute to standards and industry fora. 37 partners from industry and academia are involved in the project which runs from January 2006 to December 2008. The project is coordinated byDeutsche Telekom AG .Motivation
The project addresses the fact that mobility has become a central aspect of our lives in business, education, and leisure. It deals with rapid technological and societal changes with proliferating technologies and services that have resulted in complex and confusing communications environments for users and network operators. By rethinking fundamental technology and business issues, DAIDALOS targets usable and manageable communication infrastructures for the future. The goal is a seamless, pervasive access to content and services via heterogeneous networks that supports user preferences and context. The project will use a user-centred, scenario-based and operator-driven approach to effectively cover user and business needs.
Key guiding concepts
DAIDALOS will be guided by five key concepts:
- MARQS (Mobility Management, AAA [Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting] , Resource Management,
QoS and Security), supporting functional integration for end-to-end services across heterogeneous technologies. - (VID), which separates the user from a device, thereby enables flexibility as well as privacy and personalization.
- USP (Ubiquitous and Seamless Pervasiveness), enabling pervasiveness across personal and embedded devices, and allowing adaptation to changing contexts, movement and user requests.
- SIB (Seamless Integration of Broadcast), which integrates broadcast at both the technology level, such as
DVB-S /T/H, and at the services level, such as TV, carousels and data-cast. - Federation, which will enable network operators and service providers to offer and receive services, allowing players to enter and leave the field in a dynamic business environment. DAIDALOS brings together several domains and will follow a strictly methodological approach on modelling, testing, and integration cycles with feedback loops via early integration.
Expected impact
The DAIDALOS project will have expected impacts in a number of areas:
Enhanced European competitiveness
DAIDALOS will develop concepts that enable European companies to provide services that best meet the needs of the users – thus providing a significant advantage over worldwide competitors. The new standards set by the project will complement traditional 2nd and
3rd generation networks , and will pave the way to allow operators to become truly global players.This will be realised through:Evolution ofDVB andGSM /UMTS toBeyond 3G concepts.Provision of pervasive computing environments.Strengthening European R&D
The collaboration across different scientific and technological domains, as organized inside DAIDALOS, will broaden and deepen the knowledge and understanding of the complex and interdependent problem spaces addressed. This will improve excellence, relevance and impact of each discipline involved as well as enhance the interdisciplinary network of European R&D.
Contributions to standards
DAIDALOS has a strong commitment and focus on consensus formation and collection of a critical mass of competence. High priority is given to impacting on the standardisation and specification efforts that are ongoing in the international scientific and industrial communities. DAIDALOS will contribute by monitoring developments and trends regarding relevant standardisation, active participation in standardisation work via project partners, and official liaisons with relevant bodies.
External links
* [http://www.ist-daidalos.org Daidalos website]
- MARQS (Mobility Management, AAA [Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting] , Resource Management,
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.